Smart Keys settings: SQL
Use this settings page to configure typing assistance features in SQL.
Item | Description |
Insert string concatenation on Enter | You may want to turn this option off, if the DBMS you are working with supports multiline string literals: Say, there is the following fragment for PostgreSQL
SET notes = 'Lightest element' and the caret is in front of the word If the option is on, and you press Enter, the fragment will change to:
SET notes = 'Lightest ' ||
'element' Otherwise, the fragment will change to:
SET notes = 'Lightest
element' |
Close code blocks on Enter | When you start a code block with an opening keyword (BEGIN, LOOP, BEGIN TRY, and others) and press Enter, the code block closes with the corresponding closing keywords (END, END LOOP, END TRY, and others). ![]() |
Qualify object on code completion | The selected option defines how the name of an object is inserted in the editor when using the code completion suggestion box.