Enable workspace-level SSH keys and Git libraries
The procedure below explains how to switch to the workspace-level management of SSH keys and Git libraries, which facilitates the use of both and makes the process more straightforward.
- New management of SSH keys and Git repositories
Git libraries (as Repositories) and SSH keys will be available as workspace resources.
Git repositories will not be managed in individual notebooks as it was done in the earlier versions of Datalore.
SSH keys will not be managed using user settings as it was done in the earlier versions of Datalore.
- Migration process
For all notebooks that have Git repositories in environment.yaml and attached to them, Git repositories will be created in the respective workspaces.
SSH keys created in the user settings will be converted to the Private workspace resources.
For all Git repositories and databases with SSH tunnels, appropriate SSH keys will be accordingly attached in the Private workspace.
The grace period in version 2024.5.1 will warn you in case a Git repository or a database SSH tunnel uses key pair authentication, but there is no key attached (because we were not able to transfer one for security reasons).
Switch to workspace-level management
Click the avatar in the upper right corner of the screen and select Admin panel.
On the Admin panel, select the Configuration tab.
On the Configuration tab, switch the Enable new workspace-level SSH keys and Git libraries toggle.
In the confirmation window, review the resulting changes and click the OK button to launch the migration process.
Full removal of deprecated features
At the moment, the user interface still provides access to the old entities associated with these deprecated features, but it will soon not be available. To ensure smooth functioning of your projects that are still relying on them, you are required to perform a series of migration procedures. Find the details in this topic.
For procedures on how to manage Git repositories in workspaces, refer to this topic.
For procedures on how to manage SSH keys in workspaces, refer to this topic.