dotPeek 2017.1 Help

Viewing File Structure

Windows | File Structure

With dotPeek, you can view the structure of the current document using the File Structure window, which greatly simplifies navigation in large files. The window is synchronized with the code viewer. As you switch to another code viewer tab, the window displays the structure of the corresponding file.

Right from the File Structure window, you can navigate from symbols, find usages of symbols . To check the available commands, right-click on any symbol.

To analyze the structure of the current document

  1. Press Ctrl+F11 or choose in the main menu .
  2. Use the File Structure window to explore and navigate through the document. You can double-click any symbol to make the caret in the code viewer switch to the corresponding position.
  3. To synchronize the way you change caret position in the code viewer with the symbol highlighted in the File Structure window, click Track Caret in Editor /help/img/dotnet/2017.1/ThemedIcon.SyncCaretToView.Screen.[Gray].png on the toolbar.
  4. To synchronize symbols that you select in the File Structure window with the caret position in the code viewer, click Automatically Scroll to Source /help/img/dotnet/2017.1/ThemedIcon.SyncViewToCaret.Screen.[Gray].png on the toolbar.

This feature is inspired by and borrowed from JetBrains ReSharper, a developer productivity tool for Microsoft Visual Studio.

Last modified: 24 August 2017

See Also