CamelHumps is a feature that identifies parts of compound names composed according to CamelCase, where each part starts with a capital letter, or when parts of a compound name are separated by underscores. You can type only initial letters of these parts, and dotPeek will find items with matching names automatically.
CamelHumps in search commands
CamelHumps always works in all Search by name commands, namely Search Everywhere/Go to Type, Go To Assembly, File Structure, and Go to Symbol. It is very convenient to type initial letters of name parts and get the list of matching items:

You can type either uppercase or lowercase letters:

dotPeek can also find CamelCased items that match letters in the query in any order:

Of course, such items will be placed lower in the result lists if there are items that match both letters and their order in the query.
CamelHumps in code viewer assistance actions
CamelHumps can also work for Extend/Shrink Selection
Enable CamelHumps in typing assistance actions
from the main menu .Go to the
page of dotPeek options.With the Use CamelHumps in viewer navigation checkbox, toggle CamelHumps support in typing assistance features.
Click OK.
If the CamelHumps is enabled, the Extend/Shrink Selection commands take into account parts of compound names. Suppose you have placed the caret in the middle of a compound name with several parts that begin with uppercase letters:

With CamelHumps, pressing Control+W for the first time selects the current part of the word:

Only after pressing this keystroke for the second time dotPeek selects the whole word:

All subsequent presses are processed as usual.