Run Kotlin code
You can run your Kotlin code right from JetBrains Fleet provided that you have configured a JDK and Kotlin, or if a build tool does that for you.
Quick way
If you are not going to pass any parameters to your program, and your program does not require any specific actions to be performed before start, you can run it right from the editor.
Click the run icon in the gutter near the class or main method declaration and select Run.
Alternatively, place the caret at the class or main method that you want to run, and press ⌘ ⇧ R
Customizable way
If you are going to pass parameters to your program or otherwise customize the startup of your program, use a run/debug configuration.
A run configuration specifies the parameters for running your application. It includes commands, executable paths, environment variables, virtual machine options, arguments, and other necessary context.
Creating run configurations
Click the Run icon (⌘ R) and select Create Run Configurations in run.json.
In the run.json file that opens, define running or debugging parameters. If the file is empty, press ⌥ ⏎ or click the file template link.
Alternatively, paste and edit the following code:
{ "configurations": [ { "name": "run sh", "type": "command", "program": "/bin/sh" }, { "name": "gradle run", "type": "gradle", "tasks": [ "run" ] } ] }Modify the configuration properties according to your environment.
For more information about Kotlin run configurations in JetBrains Fleet, refer to Kotlin run configurations.
Press ⌘ R or select
from the main menu. Select the configuration that you are going to run or debug.

Manage running applications and tasks
Stop a task
Click the Stop button in the tab of the running task.
Alternatively, close the tab, and select Terminate.
View running tasks
Press ⌘ R. Run & Debug popup opens and lists the tasks. The tasks that are currently running are indicated with a green circle.