GoLand 2024.3 Help

Code coverage

Code coverage in GoLand lets you analyze which lines of code were executed during a particular run. It helps determine the share of code covered by tests and identify areas that lack sufficient test coverage.

Run with coverage

The entry points for running coverage analysis are the same as you would normally use to run an application:

  • For main method definitions, click Run in the editor gutter, then select Run with Coverage

    A popup appears on clicking the gutter Run icon
  • For run configurations, click More Actions in the Run widget, then select Run with Coverage

    A menu appears on clicking More Actions in the Run widget

Coverage analysis executes the corresponding run configuration with the coverage agent attached. This agent instruments the bytecode to keep track of the execution line-by-line. After the execution completes, the results of the analysis appear in the IDE.

Coverage suites

The collection of coverage data for a specific run is called a coverage suite.

GoLand can display the results for one or more coverage suites at once. If multiple suites are selected, the IDE displays merged results from these suites. This means that a line is considered covered if it was executed in at least one of the selected suites.

The corresponding suite files are located in the GoLand's system directory:




Manage suites

  1. In the main menu, go to Run | Manage Coverage Reports Ctrl+Alt+F6.

  2. In the Choose Coverage Suite to Display menu:

    • Use the checkboxes to select active suites. Active suites define the coverage data that is currently displayed in the IDE.

    • Use the Add button Add to import external suite file, for example, generated in the CI server or sent to you by someone else.

    • Use the Remove button Remove to remove a suite from the list but keep the file in the storage.

    • Use the Delete button Delete to remove a suite from the list and delete the file from the storage.

Read coverage data

GoLand shows coverage results in:

  • Coverage tool window

  • Project tool window

  • Editor

Code coverage results are displayed in the Coverage tool window, in the Project tool window, and in the editor after you launch at least one run configuration with coverage.

Project tool window

The Project tool window displays:

  • the percentage of the covered classes and lines for directories

  • the percentage of the covered methods and lines for classes

Code coverage results in the Project tool window

Coverage tool window

Coverage results in the Coverage tool window

The Coverage tool window has the following options:



the Navigate with Single Click button

If this option is on, GoLand automatically opens the selected item in the editor. Otherwise, you need to double-click items to open them.

the Always Select Opened Element button

If this option is on, GoLand automatically locates in the tool window the files that you open in the editor.

the Import External Coverage Report button

Import a coverage suite from disk.


In the editor gutter, lines are highlighted according to their coverage status:

  • Full code coverage Green – lines that have been executed

  • Full code coverage Red – lines that have not been executed

  • Full code coverage Yellow – lines that were executed partially, like when only one branch of an if-else statement is visited

To view statistics for a line of code, click the corresponding color indicator in the gutter.

Hide coverage data

Do one of the following:

  • Close the tab with coverage statistics in the Coverage tool window (View | Tool Windows | Coverage).

  • Click coverage highlighting in the gutter and select Hide coverage.

Configure code coverage

Change colors of the coverage highlighting

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+S to open settings and then select Editor | Color Scheme | General.

  2. Alternatively, click the Edit Coverage Colors button in the popup that opens on clicking the coverage indication line in the gutter.

  3. In the list of components, expand the Line Coverage node and select a type of coverage: for example, Full, Partial or Uncovered.

  4. Click the Foreground field to open the Select Color dialog.

  5. Select a color, apply the changes, and close the dialog.

Configure code coverage colors
Last modified: 14 January 2025