GoLand 2024.2 Help

Code Inspections in HTML

This topic lists all GoLand code inspections available in HTML.

You can toggle specific inspections or change their severity level on the Editor | Inspections page of settings  Ctrl+Alt+S.




Default Severity

Missing associated label

Reports a form element (input, textarea, or select) without an associated label. Suggests creating a new label. Based on WCAG 2.0: H44.

Warning Warning

Missing required 'alt' attribute

Reports a missing alt attribute in a img or applet tag or in a area element of an image map. Suggests adding a required attribute with a text alternative for the contents of the tag. Based on WCAG 2.0: H24, H35, H36, H37.

Warning Warning

Missing required 'lang' attribute

Reports a missing lang (or xml:lang) attribute in a html tag. Suggests adding a required attribute to state the default language of the document. Based on WCAG 2.0: H57.

Warning Warning

Missing required 'summary' attribute

Reports a missing summary attribute in a table tag. Suggests adding a summary attribute. Based on WCAG 2.0: H73.


Missing required 'title' attribute

Reports a missing title attribute frame, iframe, dl, and a tags. Suggests adding a title attribute. Based on WCAG 2.0: H33, H40, and H64.


Missing required 'title' element

Reports a missing title element inside a head section. Suggests adding a title element. The title should describe the document. Based on WCAG 2.0: H25.

Warning Warning

Other inspections



Default Severity

Empty tag

Reports empty tags that do not work in some browsers.


<html> <script/> </html>

After the quick-fix is applied:

<html> <script></script> </html>

Warning Warning

Incorrect boolean attribute

Reports an HTML non-boolean attribute without a value. Suggests configuring attributes that should not be reported.

Warning Warning

Malformed content of 'script' tag

Reports contents of script tags that are invalid XML.


<script type="text/javascript"> console.log('<'); </script>

After the quick-fix is applied:

<script type="text/javascript"> console.log('<'); </script>

Error Error

Mismatched image size

Reports a width and height attribute value of a img tag that is different from the actual width and height of the referenced image.

Warning Warning

Missing closing tag

Reports an HTML element without a closing tag. Some coding styles require that HTML elements have closing tags even where this is optional.


<html> <body> <p>Behold! </body> </html>

After the quick-fix is applied:

<html> <body> <p>Behold!</p> </body> </html>

Info No highlighting, only fix

Missing required attribute

Reports a missing mandatory attribute in an XML/HTML tag. Suggests configuring attributes that should not be reported.

Warning Warning

Obsolete attribute

Reports an obsolete HTML5 attribute.

Warning Warning

Obsolete tag

Reports an obsolete HTML5 tag. Suggests replacing the obsolete tag with a CSS or another tag.

Warning Warning

Presentational tag

Reports a presentational HTML tag. Suggests replacing the presentational tag with a CSS or another tag.


Redundant closing tag

Reports redundant closing tags on empty elements, for example, img or br.


<html> <body> <br></br> </body> </html>

After the quick-fix is applied:

<html> <body> <br> </body> </html>

Warning Warning

Unknown attribute

Reports an unknown HTML attribute. Suggests configuring attributes that should not be reported.

Warning Warning

Unknown tag

Reports an unknown HTML tag. Suggests configuring tags that should not be reported.

Warning Warning

Unresolved file in a link

Reports an unresolved file in a link.

Warning Warning

Unresolved fragment in a link

Reports an unresolved last part of an URL after the # sign.

Warning Warning

Unresolved web link

Reports an unresolved web link. Works by making network requests in the background.


Wrong attribute value

Reports an incorrect HTML attribute value.

Warning Warning

Last modified: 11 February 2024