IntelliJ IDEA 2017.2 Help

Scope Language Syntax Reference

The scopes language is used in specifying project scopes involved in the various kinds of analysis.

Sets of classes

  • Single class is defined by a class name, i.e. com.intellij.openapi.MyClass
  • Set of all classes in a package, not recursing into subpackages, is defined by an asterisk after dot, for example: com.intellij.openapi.*
  • Set of all classes in a package including contents of subpackages, is defined by an asterisk after double dot, for example com.intellij.openapi..*

Sets of files

  • Single file is defined by a file name, i.e. MyDir/MyFile.txt
  • Set of all files in a directory, not recursing into subdirectories, is defined by an asterisk after slash, for example: file:src/main/myDir/*
  • Set of all files in a directory including contents of subdirectories, is defined by an asterisk after double slash, for example file:src/main/myDir//*


Location modifiers
help you specify whether the desired set is located in the source files, library classes or test code in the form of location modifiers src:, lib:, file:, or test:.

For example, the following scope

implies all classes under the source root in the com.intellij.openapi package, excluding subpackages.

The default location is the module root.

Module modifiers
help you narrow down the scope by specifying the name of the related module in one of the following ways:
src[module name]:<E> lib[module name]:<E> test[module name]:<E>

For example, the following scope


implies all classes under the source folders related to the module MyModule in the package com.intellij.openapi, excluding subpackages.

Group modifier
help you narrow down the scope by specifying the name of the related module group (several modules can be joined into a group in the Project Structure dialog).

The group modifier has the following format:

[group:<group name>]

For example, the following scope


denotes a scope of all files in the group of modules with the specified name.

Logical operators

The scope language allows you to use common logical operators:

&& for AND || for OR ! for NOT

Besides that, the parentheses can be used to join the logical operators into groups. For example, the following scope


implies either <a> and <c>, or <b> and <c>.

Another example

denotes a scope of all modules whose name contains web, and all the files recursively in the directory src/main/java

Defining scopes

Scopes are defined in the Scopes dialog box in the following ways:

  • Manually
  • With the pointing device
Specify file masks in the Pattern text box, or click editorIcon and type the pattern in the editor.
Using the Mouse Pointer
Select files and folders in the project tree view and click the buttons Include, Include Recursively, Exclude, and Exclude Recursively. For information about the controls, refer to Scope page description.

Based on the inclusion/exclusion of file and directories, IntelliJ IDEA creates an expression and displays it in the Pattern field.

ij scope


  • file[MyMod]:src/main/java/com/example/my_package//* - include in a project all the files from module "MyMod", located in the specified directory and all subdirectories.
  • src[MyMod]:com.example.my_package..* - recursively include all classes in a package in the source directories of the module.
  •*||* - recursively include all classes in a package from both project and libraries.
  •* - include all test classes in a package, but not in subpackages.
  • [MyMod]* - include all classes and test classes in the package of the specified module.
  • file:*.js||file:*.coffee - include all JavaScript and CoffeeScript files.
  • file:*js&&!file:*.min.* - include all JavaScript files except those that were generated through minification, which is indicated by the min extension.
Last modified: 29 November 2017

See Also