IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3 Help

Debug Tool Window. Console

This tab is marked with icons debugger console and shows the output and error stream messages.

On this page:

Console Toolbar


Tooltip and shortcut


icons actions previousOccurence svg icons actions nextOccurence svg

Up/down the Stack Trace
Ctrl+Alt+Up Ctrl+Alt+Down

Click this button to navigate up or down in the stack trace and have the cursor jump to the corresponding location in the source code.

icons actions toggleSoftWrap svg

Use Soft Wraps

Click this button to toggle the soft wrap mode of the output.

icons runConfigurations scroll down svg

Scroll to the end

Click this button to navigate to the bottom of the stack trace and have the cursor jump to the corresponding location in the source code.

the Print button


Click this button to send the console text to the default printer.

icons actions gc svg

Clear All

Click this button to remove all text from the console. This function is also available on the context menu of the console.

gradle exec view support

Toggle tasks executions/text mode

Click this button to view Gradle task execution in a tree mode.

Context Menu Commands



Compare with Clipboard

Opens the Clipboard vs Editor dialog box that allows you to view the differences between the selection from the editor and the current clipboard content. This dialog is a regular comparing tool that enables you to copy the line at caret to the clipboard, find text, navigate between differences and manage white spaces.

Fold Lines Like This

Opens the Console dialog that allows you defining the lines to be folded to hide extraneous information.

Copy URL

Choose this command to copy the current URL to the system clipboard. This command only shows on a URL, if it is included in an application's output.

Create Gist

Choose this command to open the Create Gist dialog box.

Clear All

Clears the output window.

Keyboard Shortcuts

The Ctrl+D key combination allows you to send EOF (end of file), i.e. to signal that no more data can be read from a data source.

Last modified: 1 February 2019

See Also