AppCode 2021.1 Help

Project tool window

The Project tool window lets you take a look at your project from various viewpoints and perform different tasks such as creating new items (directories, files, classes, and so on), opening files in the editor, navigating to the necessary code fragments, and more.

Most of the functions in this tool window are accessed as context menu commands in the content pane and via associated shortcuts.

Also, the view contains the Scratches and Consoles folder that lets you manage created scratch files, database consoles, and extension scripts.


The tool window has several views:

Switch view
  • Project view. This view displays all the project items along with their dependencies (SDKs and libraries). The emphasis is on the directory structure, although the packages are also shown.

  • Scopes views (Files, Project Source Files, Project Non-Source Files, and so on). These views display the contents of the predefined and user-defined scopes. In other respects, depending on the currently selected view options, a scope view may resemble the Project view.

To configure a view, use the corresponding options in the title bar context menu. The necessary options can also be accessed by clicking Settings on the title bar.

Preview files

There are two ways to preview files without opening each one in a separate tab:

  • Use the file preview popup — select a file in the Project tool window and press Space.

    Opening a file preview in the Project tool window
  • Enable the preview tab— click the Show Options Menu button and select Enable Preview Tab.

Show file size and modification timestamp

The Project tool window allows you to see the size and modification timestamp for the files in the project tree. To display this information, select View | Appearance | Details in Tree Views from the main menu.

Descriptions in Tree Views: OFFDescriptions in Tree Views: ON
Descriptions in Tree Views disabled
Descriptions in Tree Views enabled

Show tree indent guides

In the Project tool window, you can display vertical lines that mark indent levels and help you better understand the hierarchy of the components in your project. To display these lines, enable Show tree indent guides on the Appearance and Behavior | Appearance page of the Preferences ⌃⌥S.

Title bar context menu

The context menu that appears by right-clicking the title bar or clicking Settings, provides settings for project views.

The following table lists and briefly explains the available commands and options.

Open Files with Single Click

If this option is on, AppCode will automatically open the selected item in the editor. Otherwise, you need to double-click items to open them.

Note that you cannot disable this option if you enable the preview tab.

Always Select Opened FileIf this option is on, AppCode automatically locates documents that you open in the editor in the current view of this window.
Xcode OrderIf this option is on, files and folders will be arranged in the same order as in Xcode.
Sort by Type If the option is off, the files are sorted alphabetically by their names. If the option is on, the files are sorted by their extensions.

The option doesn't affect the order of the folders. The folders are always sorted alphabetically.

Folders Always on Top If the option is on, folders are shown above the files. Otherwise, all items are sorted alphabetically, and files and folders appear intermixed.
Edit ScopesThis command opens the Scopes dialog where you can add, remove, and edit custom scopes.
Group TabsIf this option is on, there is a list in the left-hand part of the title bar from which you can select the necessary view. If this option is off, the views are represented by tabs which appear in the left-hand part of the title bar.
Group Tabs: ONGroup Tabs: OFF
Group Tabs enabledGroup Tabs disabled
View ModeThis option lets you control general appearance and behavior of the tool window. See Tool window view modes.
Move toTo associate the tool window with a different tool window bar, select this command, and then select the destination tool window bar (Top, Left, Bottom or Right ).

To resize the tool window by moving one of its borders, select this command, and then select the necessary Stretch to option.

Note that this command is not available for the floating mode.

Remove from Sidebar

This command hides the tool window, removes the associated tool window button from the tool window bar and removes the tool window from the quick access menu (tb shown or tb hidden ).

To open the tool window again (and restore the associated features), use the main menu: View | Tool Windows | <Window Name> or press ⌥1.

HelpThis command opens the description of the Project tool window in the AppCode online help.

Title bar buttons

Select Opened File Navigate from a file in the editor to the corresponding node (file, class, field, method, and so on) in the Project tool window.

This icon is not available if the Always Select Opened File option is currently on.

collapse all⌃-Collapse all the nodes.

Open the menu for configuring the current view and changing the tool window viewing modes. The available options are a subset of the title bar context menu items.

Note that most of the menu items are options that you can turn on or off. An option which is on has a check mark to the left of its name.

Hide tool window⇧⎋

Hide the tool window ⇧⎋.

To hide all the tool windows, press ⌃⇧F12.

Content pane

The content pane shows the project items such as directories, files, and so on.

The icons for the main categories (node types) are shown and briefly explained in the following table. The icons used for the main symbols (classes, fields, methods, and so on.), visibility modifiers, and bookmarks are shown in Icon reference.


A folder (directory). Different folder categories have different colors.

  • Group Group (in the Project view)

  • Directory Directory (in the Files view)

  • Excluded directory Excluded directory (in the Files view)

Scratches and ConsolesScratch files and consoles (in the Files view)

Context menu commands for the content pane items

The context menu of an item provides access to all the functions available for this item.

New⌘N Create a new item (directory, file, or class) within the selected one.
AddUse this command to add existing files, frameworks and libraries, or linked projects to your AppCode project.
Cut⌃XMove the selected item or items from the current location to the clipboard.

Use this command and one of the following options to copy the selected item(s) to the clipboard:

  • Copy (⌃C ): copies the selected item or items to the clipboard.

  • Copy as Plain Text: copies item as plain text.

  • Copy Path (⌃⇧C ): copies the relative path(s) of the selected item or items to the clipboard.

  • Copy Reference (⌃⌥⇧C ): copies the reference of the selected item including the line number.

  • Absolute Path: copies the full path(s) of the selected item or items to the clipboard.

  • File Name: copies only the filename to the clipboard.

  • Path from Content Root: copies the full path of the directory that contains the application content files.

  • Toolbox URL: if you have AppCode toolbox installed, you can insert the copied path in the browser to open the toolbox with the selected project.

Copy Relative Path⌃⌥⇧CUse this command to copy a relative path to the selected item to the clipboard.
Paste⌃VInsert the contents of the clipboard into the selected location.
Find Usages⌥F7Search for the usages of the selected item. (The Find Usages dialog will open.)
Inspect CodeUse this command to run code inspection for the selected item.

Perform one of the refactorings available for the selected item.

Add to Favorites⌥⇧FAdd the selected item to an existing or new list of favorite items.
Reformat Code⌃⌥L

Reformat the source code in the selected file or in all files in the current directory. (The Reformat Code dialog will open.)

See also, Reformat and rearrange code.


Delete the selected item. Use with care!

Mark as Plain TextExclude the selected file from project, so it is ignored by inspections, code completion, navigation, and so on. The file will be indicated with a special icon plain text and shown as plain text in the editor. For more details, see Exclude files.
Exclude from Xcode projectUse this command to delete a file from the project structure. The file won't be displayed in the Project view but still will be available in the Files view. To return the file into the project, in the Files view, right-click the file and select Add to Xcode Project.
Manage TargetsUse this command to add a file to a specific target.
Project Settings⌃⌥⇧SUse this command to open the Xcode-compatible project settings.
Run '<item_name>'⌃⇧F10Run a test configuration.
Debug '<item_name>'⌃⇧DDebug a test configuration.
Run '<item_name>' with CoverageUse this command to run a test configuration with code coverage.
Profile '<item_name>'With this command you can attach a profiler to the current run/debug configuration.
Reveal in FinderUse this command to navigate too the selected file in Finder.
Open in TerminalUse this command to open the directory corresponding to the selected item in the embedded local terminal.
Local HistoryView local history for the selected file or directory, or to create a label for the current version of your project.
Synchronize '<item_name>'

Synchronize the view in the tool window with the view saved in the file system.

If you change a file or directory contents externally, AppCode, under certain circumstances, may not be aware of the corresponding changes unless you use this command.

Open in Right SplitSplit the editor into two parts and show the file in the right section. For more information, refer to Split screen.
Compare With⌃DCompare the selected file or directory with another file or directory. See Compare files, folders and text sources and Differences viewer for folders.
Mark Directory As Use this command to mark a selected directory as project sources and headers or library files or exclude it from indexing. The command is available in the Files view.
Create GistUse this command to share code by using gists.

File status highlights

If VCS integration is enabled for the current project, AppCode uses colors to denote VCS file status in the Project tool window. The following table presents information about the meaning of the colors.

ColorFile StatusDescription
Color sample: dark green #0A7700Added The file in the active changelist is scheduled for addition to the repository.
Color sample: green #0EAA00Added in not active changelist The file in an inactive changelist is scheduled for addition to the repository. This file status is available if the Highlight files from non-active changelists option is enabled in Settings/Preferences | Version Control | Changelists.
Color sample: red #FF0000Changelist conflict The file in an inactive changelist has been modified in the active changelist. In this case, a new dialog will open prompting you to resolve the changelist conflict. This file status is available if all options are enabled in Settings/Preferences | Version Control | Changelists.
Color sample: dark green #0A7700Copied If a file is a copy of another file, its metadata is tracked, and such a file is marked as copied.
Color sample: grey #616161Deleted The file is scheduled for deletion from the repository.
Color sample: dull purple #773895Deleted from file system The file has been deleted locally, but hasn't been scheduled for deletion, and it still exists in the repository.
Color sample: light grayish blue #8AA4C8Have changed descendants If a file is modified, the IDE will recursively highlight all directories containing that file. This status is available if the Show directories with changed descendants option is enabled in Settings/Preferences | Version Control.
Color sample: bright blue #3264B4Have immediate changed children If a file is modified, the IDE will highlight its parent directory. This status is available if the Show directories with changed descendants option is enabled in Settings/Preferences | Version Control.
Color sample: light brown #B28C00Hijacked [Perforce, ClearCase, VSS] The file is modified without checkout.
Color sample: dark olive #727238Ignored A file is intentionally untracked by VCS.
Color sample: purple #7503DCMerged The file is merged by your VCS as a result of an update.
Color sample: red #FF0000Merged with conflicts During the last update, the file has been merged with conflicts.
Color sample: red #FF0000Merged with property conflicts During the last update, the IDE has detected differences between the properties of the local file and its server version.
Color sample: red #FF0000Merged with text and property conflicts Text and property conflicts happen when two or more developers modify the same lines of a file and the same file properties.
Color sample: bright navy #0032A0Modified The file has changed since the last synchronization.
Color sample: blue #0047E4Modified in not active changelist The file in an inactive changelist has been modified. This file status is available if the Highlight files from non-active changelists option is enabled in Settings/Preferences | Version Control | Changelists.
Color sample: Olive #7C7C00Obsolete The file should no longer be in your working copy of the repository.
Color sample: teal #007C7CRenamed Since the last update, the file has been renamed.
Color sample: dark cyan #08978FSwitched [SVN] The file is taken from a different branch than the whole project.
Color sample: brown #993300(Unknown) Unversioned The file exists locally, but is not in the repository, and is not scheduled for addition.
Color sample: black None (default color)Up to dateThe file hasn't been changed.
ColorFile StatusDescription
Color sample: dull green #629755AddedThe file in the active changelist is scheduled for addition to the repository.
Color sample: dull green #629755Added in not active changelistThe file in an inactive changelist is scheduled for addition to the repository. This file status is available if the Highlight files from non-active changelists option is enabled in Settings/Preferences | Version Control | Changelists.
Color sample: dull red #D5756CChangelist conflictThe file in an inactive changelist has been modified in the active changelist. In this case, a new dialog will open prompting you to resolve the changelist conflict. This file status is available if all options are enabled in Settings/Preferences | Version Control | Changelists.
Color sample: green #0A7700CopiedIf a file is a copy of another file, its metadata is tracked, and such a file is marked as copied.
Color sample: grey #6C6C6CDeletedThe file is scheduled for deletion from the repository.
Color sample: dull purple #6C6C6CDeleted from file systemThe file has been deleted locally, but hasn't been scheduled for deletion, and it still exists in the repository.
Color sample: light blue #6897BBHave changed descendantsIf a file is modified, the IDE will recursively highlight all directories containing that file. This status is available if the Show directories with changed descendants option is enabled in Settings/Preferences | Version Control.
Color sample: light blue #6897BBHave immediate changed childrenIf a file is modified, the IDE will highlight its parent directory. This status is available if the Show directories with changed descendants option is enabled in Settings/Preferences | Version Control.
Color sample: white None (default color)Hijacked[Perforce, ClearCase, VSS] The file is modified without checkout.
Color sample: light olive #848504IgnoredA file is intentionally untracked by VCS.
Color sample: light purple #9876AAMergedThe file is merged by your VCS as a result of an update.
Color sample: dull red #D5756CMerged with conflictsDuring the last update, the file has been merged with conflicts.
Color sample: dull red #D5756CMerged with property conflictsDuring the last update, the IDE has detected differences between the properties of the local file and its server version.
Color sample: dull red #D5756CMerged with text and property conflictsText and property conflicts happen when two or more developers modify the same lines of a file and the same file properties.
Color sample: light blue #6897BBModifiedThe file has changed since the last synchronization.
Color sample: light blue #6897BBModified in not active changelistThe file in an inactive changelist has been modified. This file status is available if the Highlight files from non-active changelists option is enabled in Settings/Preferences | Version Control | Changelists.
Color sample: white None (default color)ObsoleteThe file should no longer be in your working copy of the repository.
Color sample: strong cyan #3A8484RenamedSince the last update, the file has been renamed.
Color sample: white None (default color)Switched[SVN] The file is taken from a different branch than the whole project.
Color sample: soft red #D1675A(Unknown) UnversionedThe file exists locally, but is not in the repository, and is not scheduled for addition.
Color sample: white None (default color)Up to dateThe file hasn't been changed.
ColorFile StatusDescription
Color sample: green #62CC47AddedThe file in the active changelist is scheduled for addition to the repository.
Color sample: green #62CC47Added in not active changelistThe file in an inactive changelist is scheduled for addition to the repository. This file status is available if the Highlight files from non-active changelists option is enabled in Settings/Preferences | Version Control | Changelists.
Color sample: dull red #FF6666Changelist conflictThe file in an inactive changelist has been modified in the active changelist. In this case, a new dialog will open prompting you to resolve the changelist conflict. This file status is available if all options are enabled in Settings/Preferences | Version Control | Changelists.
Color sample: green #62CC47CopiedIf a file is a copy of another file, its metadata is tracked, and such a file is marked as copied.
Color sample: orange #ED864ADeletedThe file is scheduled for deletion from the repository.
Color sample: orange #ED864ADeleted from file systemThe file has been deleted locally, but hasn't been scheduled for deletion, and it still exists in the repository.
Color sample: vivid cyan #4FF0FFHave changed descendantsIf a file is modified, the IDE will recursively highlight all directories containing that file. This status is available if the Show directories with changed descendants option is enabled in Settings/Preferences | Version Control.
Color sample: vivid cyan #4FF0FFHave immediate changed childrenIf a file is modified, the IDE will highlight its parent directory. This status is available if the Show directories with changed descendants option is enabled in Settings/Preferences | Version Control.
Color sample: white None (default color)Hijacked[Perforce, ClearCase, VSS] The file is modified without checkout.
Color sample: light olive #A9B837IgnoredA file is intentionally untracked by VCS.
Color sample: light purple #ED94FFMergedThe file is merged by your VCS as a result of an update.
Color sample: dull red #FF6666Merged with conflictsDuring the last update, the file has been merged with conflicts.
Color sample: dull red #FF6666Merged with property conflictsDuring the last update, the IDE has detected differences between the properties of the local file and its server version.
Color sample: dull red #FF6666Merged with text and property conflictsText and property conflicts happen when two or more developers modify the same lines of a file and the same file properties.
Color sample: vivid cyan #4FF0FFModifiedThe file has changed since the last synchronization.
Color sample: vivid cyan #4FF0FFModified in not active changelistThe file in an inactive changelist has been modified. This file status is available if the Highlight files from non-active changelists option is enabled in Settings/Preferences | Version Control | Changelists.
Color sample: white None (default color)ObsoleteThe file should no longer be in your working copy of the repository.
Color sample: vivid cyan #4FF0FFRenamedSince the last update, the file has been renamed.
Color sample: white None (default color)Switched[SVN] The file is taken from a different branch than the whole project.
Color sample: soft red D1675A(Unknown) UnversionedThe file exists locally, but is not in the repository, and is not scheduled for addition.
Color sample: white None (default color)Up to dateThe file hasn't been changed.
Last modified: 08 March 2021