PyCharm 2020.2 Help

Creating Project Remotely


If you don't have a Python interpreter on your local development machine, you can create a project remotely. Using PyCharm, create a new project, setting it up for running and debugging on a remote machine.

Configuring remote interpreter

It is important to configure the default interpreter that will be used for any newly created project.

To configure a remote interpreter, follow these general steps:

  1. On the main menu, choose File | Settings for New Projects, or on the Welcome screen, click the drop-down Configure and choose Settings.

  2. In the Python Interpreter page of the project settings, click icons.general.gearPlain.svg.

  3. In the drop-down list, choose Add .

    py add interpreter png

  4. Depending on the selection in the dialog box that opens, follow one of the procedures:

Creating a project with the remote interpreter

Note that PyCharm allows creating both pure Python and Django projects.

To create a remote project, follow these general steps:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • On the Welcome screen, click the link Create New Project.

    • On the main menu, choose File | New Project.

  2. In the dialog box that opens, choose Python or Django project type.

    py create project remote png

  3. In the Interpreter field, select the desired remote interpreter from the drop-down list.

    Note that your remote interpreter is unable to sync a project outside of the mapped folders. If your project is located outside of the mapped folder, a red message is shown, until you specify the project location within the mapped folder.

  4. Specify the values under More Settings.

  5. Click Create.

Last modified: Wed Aug 19 14:24:29 UTC 2020