Qodana 2023.1 Help

Qodana for PHP

official project

Qodana for PHP linter languages

Qodana for PHP is based on PhpStorm. It brings all the smarts from PhpStorm, which help you:

  • detect anomalous code and probable bugs

  • eliminate dead code

  • highlight spelling problems

  • improve overall code structure

  • introduce coding best practices

  • Upload inspection results to Qodana Cloud

Qodana for PHP provides inspections for PHP, JavaScript, and TypeScript.

Try it now

Analyze a project locally

Qodana provides two options for local analysis of your code. Qodana CLI is the easiest option to start. Alternatively, you can use the Docker command from the Docker image tab.

Assuming that you have already installed Qodana CLI on your machine, you can run this command in the project root directory:

qodana scan -l jetbrains/qodana-php:2023.1-eap --show-report

To start, pull the image from Docker Hub (only necessary to get the latest version):

docker pull jetbrains/qodana-php:2023.1-eap

If you use PHP Composer, Qodana will install your project dependencies automatically right before the code analysis starts.

In case you need to change the language level, add the following to <source-directory>/.idea/php.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project version="4"> <component name="PhpProjectSharedConfiguration" php_language_level="<desired level>" /> </project>

Run the analysis locally:

docker run --rm -it \ -v <source-directory>/:/data/project/ \ -p 8080:8080 jetbrains/qodana-php:2023.1-eap --show-report

with source-directory pointing to the root of your project.

Open http://localhost:8080 in your browser to examine inspection results. Here, you can also reconfigure the analysis, see the User interface overview section for details. When done, you can stop the web server by pressing Ctrl-C in the console.

Next steps

Last modified: 13 July 2023