ReSharper 2017.1 Help

Editor Appearance

ReSharper | Options | Environment | Editor | Editor Appearance

This page of ReSharper options allows you to adjust how the ReSharper's features appear in the editor.

Highlight current line

Select this check box to allow the current line to be highlighted as you work with the code.

You can set the color of the highlight in the Visual Studio options, by choosing Tools | Options | Environment | Fonts and Colors and adjusting options for the ReSharper Current Line display item.

Highlight matching delimiters When this check box is selected, any closing delimiter (bracket, brace, parenthesis or quote) is highlighted when the caret is:
  • Immediately to the left of the corresponding opening delimiter if you selected at outer side.
  • At any side of the opening delimiter if you selected at both sides.

You can also use the Highlight with radio buttons to choose one of two ways to highlight matching brackets and quotes: with color or with slightly less distinguishable outlines.

For more information, see Highlighting Matching Delimiters.

Action Indicators
Enable action bar... Shows or hides Action Bar.
Action indicator appearance You can choose the way action indicators appears in the editor.
  • Show in the action bar (available only if the action bar is enabled) - all indicators appear in the action bar.
  • Show closer to code - the context-sensitive indicators (quick-fixes, context actions, etc.) appear in the text editor area to the left of the current line, while the fixed indicators (hierarchy navigation, unit tests) are shown either on the action bar (if it is enabled) or in the left margin of the editor.
  • Do not show - the context-sensitive indicators are not shown at all, while the fixed indicators are shown either on the action bar (if it is enabled) or in the left margin of the editor. This option is for experienced users who can guess when to press Alt+Enter to invoke the action list.
Marker bar
Marker bar These radio buttons allow choosing how to display the marker bar.
Markers width (only available since Visual Studio 2013) These radio buttons allow choosing relative width of the markers on the marker bar. They only apply when the Integrate into enhanced scroll bar (since Visual Studio 2013) option is selected.
Replace Visual Studio tooltip

This option, which is enabled by default, lets you replace Visual Studio symbol tootips (quick info) in the editor with ReSharper tooltips.

Visual Studio and ReSharper tooltips basically provide similar information about the symbol you are hovering the cursor over. The Visual Studio tooltip is different in different Visual Studio versions.
You may also want to disable this option if you prefer to see native Visual Studio tooltips or if you use Productivity Power Tools extension.

Note that if you disable ReSharper syntax highlighting (by clearing the Color Identifiers check box on the Code Inspection | Settings page of ReSharper options), ReSharper tooltips will be also disabled.

Last modified: 12 October 2017

See Also