ReSharper 2021.1 Help

Completion Filters

ReSharper | Options | Environment | IntelliSense | Completion Filters

This page of ReSharper options allows you to configure filtering in ReSharper's code completion lists.

Enable FiltersThis checkbox allows you to enable or disable filters for code completion suggestions.
Show filters bar in completion windowIf you clear this checkbox, completion filters stay enabled but the filter bar is not shown under the completion popup. You can still toggle filter using shortcuts, which you can assign to each filter. You can also configure the default state of the filters below on this options page. The custom filters stay enabled as well.
Persist filters stateIf this checkbox is selected, ReSharper saves and restores your modifications to completion filters each time you use code completion. The current state of filters is shown in the table below this checkbox. You can use this table to define filter settings that will be applied next time you use code completion.
Custom FiltersThis section lists custom filters, which you can use to exclude specific symbols, namespaces and/or assemblies from the completion suggestions.
Last modified: 08 March 2021