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The XML PSI has several classes related to element factories, that is, for creating IXmlTreeNode derived instances. Some of the classes are for internal use, or implementation details. They are documented here for completeness, and to avoid confusion when spelunking around the code in dotPeek.

The XmlElementFactory instance. Use the XmlElementFactory.GetInstance method to get a copy of the class. The IXmlElementFactory instance. The default implementation is XmlTreeNodeFactory and can be retrieved using the XmlTreeNodeFactory.GetInstance method.

All other classes and interfaces are used internally, and will probably not be used from client code.



public class DefaultXmlElementFactoryContext : IXmlElementFactoryContext { public static DefaultXmlElementFactoryContext Instance; public T GetContainingNode<T>(ITreeNode currentNode, bool returnCurrent); public IXmlTag GetParentTag(IXmlTag currentTag); }

Default implementation of IXmlElementFactoryContext that defers to ITreeNode.GetContainingNode<T>() and XmlTagNavigator.GetByTag().


public class DelegatingXmlElementFactory : IXmlElementFactory { public DelegatingXmlElementFactory(IXmlElementFactory factory); IXmlElementFactory Factory { get; set; } PsiLanguageType LanguageType { get; } XmlElementTypes XmlElementType { get; } XmlTokenTypes XmlTokenTypes { get; } public IAnyContent CreateAnyContent(); public IAttDef CreateAttDef(); public IXmlAttribute CreateAttribute(IXmlIdentifier nameIdentifier, IXmlAttributeContainer attributeContainer, IXmlTagContainer parentTag, IXmlElementFactoryContext context); public IXmlAttributeValue CreateAttributeValue(XmlTokenNodeType tokenType, IBuffer buffer, int startOffset, int endOffset); public IAttType CreateAttType(); public IXmlCData CreateCData(); public IXmlComment CreateComment(); public IDocTypeDeclaration CreateDocTypeDeclaration(); public IDTDAttListDecl CreateDTDAttListDecl(); public IDTDElementDecl CreateDTDElementDecl(); public IDTDEntityDecl CreateDTDEntityDecl(); public IDTDNotationDecl CreateDTDNotationDecl(); public IEmptyContent CreateEmptyContent(); public IXmlSyntaxErrorElement CreateError(XmlSyntaxErrorType errorType); public IXmlFile CreateFile(); public IGrouppedContent CreateGrouppedContent(); public IXmlIdentifier CreateIdentifier(ITokenIntern internalizer, XmlTokenNodeType tokenType, IBuffer buffer, int startOffset, int endOffset); public IDTDBody CreateIntSubset(); public IDTDNDataDecl CreateNDataDecl(); public IProcessingInstruction CreatePI(); public IXmlProcessingInstruction CreatePIXml(); public IExternalId CreatePublicExternalID(); public IRepetitionContent CreateRepetionContent(); public IXmlTag CreateRootTag(IXmlTagHeader header, IXmlElementFactoryContext context); public IElementContent CreateSimpleContent(); public IExternalId CreateSystemExternalID(); public IXmlTag CreateTag(IXmlTagHeader header, IXmlTag parentTag, IXmlElementFactoryContext context); public IXmlTagFooter CreateTagFooter(IXmlTagContainer parentTag, IXmlElementFactoryContext context); public IXmlTagHeader CreateTagHeader(IXmlTagContainer parentTag, IXmlElementFactoryContext context); public IXmlToken CreateToken(ITokenIntern internalizer, XmlTokenNodeType tokenType, IBuffer buffer, int startOffset, int endOffset); }



public interface IXmlElementFactory { PsiLanguageType LanguageType { get; } XmlElementTypes XmlElementType { get; } XmlTokenTypes XmlTokenTypes { get; } IAnyContent CreateAnyContent(); IAttDef CreateAttDef(); IXmlAttribute CreateAttribute(IXmlIdentifier nameIdentifier, IXmlAttributeContainer attributeContainer, IXmlTagContainer parentTag, IXmlElementFactoryContext context); IXmlAttributeValue CreateAttributeValue(XmlTokenNodeType tokenType, IBuffer buffer, int startOffset, int endOffset); IAttType CreateAttType(); IXmlCData CreateCData(); IXmlComment CreateComment(); IDocTypeDeclaration CreateDocTypeDeclaration(); IDTDAttListDecl CreateDTDAttListDecl(); IDTDElementDecl CreateDTDElementDecl(); IDTDEntityDecl CreateDTDEntityDecl(); IDTDNotationDecl CreateDTDNotationDecl(); IEmptyContent CreateEmptyContent(); IXmlSyntaxErrorElement CreateError(XmlSyntaxErrorType errorType); IXmlFile CreateFile(); IGrouppedContent CreateGrouppedContent(); IXmlIdentifier CreateIdentifier(ITokenIntern internalizer, XmlTokenNodeType tokenType, IBuffer buffer, int startOffset, int endOffset); IDTDBody CreateIntSubset(); IDTDNDataDecl CreateNDataDecl(); IProcessingInstruction CreatePI(); IXmlProcessingInstruction CreatePIXml(); IExternalId CreatePublicExternalID(); IRepetitionContent CreateRepetionContent(); IXmlTag CreateRootTag(IXmlTagHeader header, IXmlElementFactoryContext context); IElementContent CreateSimpleContent(); IExternalId CreateSystemExternalID(); IXmlTag CreateTag(IXmlTagHeader header, IXmlTag parentTag, IXmlElementFactoryContext context); IXmlTagFooter CreateTagFooter(IXmlTagContainer parentTag, IXmlElementFactoryContext context); IXmlTagHeader CreateTagHeader(IXmlTagContainer parentTag, IXmlElementFactoryContext context); IXmlToken CreateToken(ITokenIntern internalizer, XmlTokenNodeType tokenType, IBuffer buffer, int startOffset, int endOffset); }


public interface IXmlElementFactoryContext { T GetContainingNode<T>(ITreeNode currentNode, bool returnCurrent); IXmlTag GetParentTag(IXmlTag currentTag); }

Helper methods used while parsing XML into IXmlTreeNode instances. Allows treating a node as though it has a different parent or containing node while parsing.



public class ResyncXmlElementFactory : DelegatingXmlElementFactory { public ResyncXmlElementFactory(IXmlTagContainer xmlTagContainer, IXmlElementFactory factory = null); public override IXmlAttribute CreateAttribute(IXmlIdentifier nameIdentifier, IXmlAttributeContainer attributeContainer, IXmlTagContainer parentTag, IXmlElementFactoryContext context); public override IXmlTag CreateRootTag(IXmlTagHeader header, IXmlElementFactoryContext context); public override IXmlTag CreateTag(IXmlTagHeader header, IXmlTag parentTag, IXmlElementFactoryContext context); public override IXmlTagFooter CreateTagFooter(IXmlTagContainer parentTag, IXmlElementFactoryContext context); public override IXmlTagHeader CreateTagHeader(IXmlTagContainer parentTag, IXmlElementFactoryContext context); }

Implementation detail for incremental reparsing. When a change is made to a file which is encapsulated by an IXmlTag, the tag's IChameleonNode.Resync method is called, and the node tries to reparse just its contents, rather than have to parse the whole file on each change.

The changed range is re-parsed, as a whole file. However, the element factory used by the parser is ResyncXmlElementFactory, the ResyncXmlElementFactory replaces the parentTag parameter with the original parent tag passed to the constructor. This keeps the context of the original parent tag when parsing the changed child content.


public class ResyncXmlElementFactoryContext : IXmlElementFactoryContext { public ResyncXmlElementFactoryContext(ITreeNode physicalNode); public T GetContainingNode<T>(ITreeNode currentNode, bool returnCurrent); public IXmlTag GetParentTag(IXmlTag currentTag); }

Defers to DefaultXmlElementFactoryContext. If the returned value is null, the original node passed to the constructor is checked.



public class XmlElementFactory { protected XmlElementFactory(IPsiModule module, IXmlElementFactory factory, IXmlLanguageSupport support, bool applyFormatter); protected bool ApplyFormatter; protected IXmlElementFactory Factory; protected IPsiModule Module; protected IXmlLanguageSupport Support; public IXmlAttribute CreateAttributeForTag(IXmlTag contextTag, string attributeText); public IXmlFile CreateFile(string xmlText); public IXmlAttribute CreateRootAttribute(string attributeText); public IXmlTag CreateRootTag(string tagText); public IXmlTag CreateTagForTag(IXmlTag contextTag, string tagText, string rootTagText = null); public static XmlElementFactory GetInstance(ITreeNode context, bool applyFormatter = true); }

Methods for creating instances of IXmlFile, IXmlTag and IXmlAttribute. It is intended for use by code client. Note that it does not implement the similarly named IXmlElementFactory interface (in fact, internally, it uses this interface). Clients can get an instance of the class via the GetInstance static method. Passing in an ITreeNode allows for getting the language specific implementations of IXmlElementFactory and XmlLanguageSupport.

  • CreateFile will parse a string containing XML into a complete XML file, represented by IXmlFile.

  • CreateRootTag creates an instance of IXmlTag based on the given XML string. It is a "root" tag in that it treats the given string as a complete XML file, and returns the first tag found in that "file".

  • CreateRootAttribute creates an instance of IXmlAttribute given an XML string that represents an attribute, e.g. name="value". It is a "root" attribute in that the attribute is added to a "root" tag in a parsed file.

  • CreateTagForTag creates an instance of IXmlTag, as though it were parsed with a parent tag of contextTag. It does this by creating an instance of the XmlElementFactoryForCreateTag if textTag is <x:Static>...</x:Static> and the parent contextTag is a resource dictionary. The rootTagText parameter is used to create the root tag, if that is required for special processing. Leaving it null will use a sensible default value.

  • CreateAttributeForTag is similar to CreateTagForTag, except it uses the XmlElementFactoryForCreateAttribute element factory to use the given contextTag when creating an attribute.

Once a node has been created, it can be passed to ModificationUtil to be added to a new tree.

Generally speaking, callers should use CreateTagForTag and CreateTagForAttribute when wishing to create a tag or an attribute. Only use the "root" variants when the tag or attribute actually is at the root level.


public class XmlElementFactory<TXmlLanguage> : XmlElementFactory { protected XmlElementFactory<TXmlLanguage>(IPsiModule module, bool applyFormatter); public static XmlElementFactory<TXmlLanguage> GetInstance(IPsiModule module, bool applyFormatter = true); }

A derived instance of XmlElementFactory which allows creating calling GetInstance for a specific language without requiring an instance of ITreeNode. Also derived by some XML languages to provide additional functionality for the factory, e.g. ResxElementFactory and XamlElementFactory.


public class XmlElementFactoryForCreateAttribute : DelegatingXmlElementFactory { public XmlElementFactoryForCreateAttribute(IXmlElementFactory factory, IXmlTag tag); public override IXmlAttribute CreateAttribute(IXmlIdentifier nameIdentifier, IXmlAttributeContainer attributeContainer, IXmlTagContainer parentTag, IXmlElementFactoryContext context); }

Instance of IXmlElementFactory that changes the context when creating an attribute to instead of using the passed in parentTag as the parent tag of the newly created attribute, uses an instance of IXmlTag passed to the constructor. This is used as an implementation detail of XmlElementFactory.CreateAttributeForTag() to make sure the new attribute is created with the correct parent tag as context. See XmlElementFactory for more details.


public class XmlElementFactoryForCreateTag : DelegatingXmlElementFactory { public XmlElementFactoryForCreateTag(IXmlElementFactory factory, IXmlTag tag); public override IXmlAttribute CreateAttribute(IXmlIdentifier nameIdentifier, IXmlAttributeContainer attributeContainer, IXmlTagContainer parentTag, IXmlElementFactoryContext context); public override IXmlTag CreateTag(IXmlTagHeader header, IXmlTag parentTag, IXmlElementFactoryContext context); }

Instance of IXmlElementFactory that changes the context when creating a tag to ignore the passed parentTag when creating the tree node, and use the tag passed to the constructor as the parent instead. This class is used as an implementation detail of XmlElementFactory.CreateTagForTag() to make sure the new attribute is created with the correct parent tag as context. See XmlElementFactory for more details.


[Language(typeof(XmlLanguage))] public class XmlTreeNodeFactory : IXmlElementFactory { public XmlTreeNodeFactory(XmlLanguage languageType, XmlTokenTypes tokenTypes, XmlElementTypes elementTypes); PsiLanguageType LanguageType { get; set; } XmlElementTypes XmlElementType { get; set; } XmlTokenTypes XmlTokenTypes { get; set; } public IAnyContent CreateAnyContent(); public IAttDef CreateAttDef(); public IXmlAttribute CreateAttribute(IXmlIdentifier nameIdentifier, IXmlAttributeContainer attributeContainer, IXmlTagContainer parentTag, IXmlElementFactoryContext context); public IXmlAttributeValue CreateAttributeValue(XmlTokenNodeType tokenType, IBuffer buffer, int startOffset, int endOffset); public IAttType CreateAttType(); public IXmlCData CreateCData(); public IXmlComment CreateComment(); public IDocTypeDeclaration CreateDocTypeDeclaration(); public IDTDAttListDecl CreateDTDAttListDecl(); public IDTDElementDecl CreateDTDElementDecl(); public IDTDEntityDecl CreateDTDEntityDecl(); public IDTDNotationDecl CreateDTDNotationDecl(); public IEmptyContent CreateEmptyContent(); public IXmlSyntaxErrorElement CreateError(XmlSyntaxErrorType errorType); public IXmlFile CreateFile(); public IGrouppedContent CreateGrouppedContent(); public IXmlIdentifier CreateIdentifier(ITokenIntern internalizer, XmlTokenNodeType tokenType, IBuffer buffer, int startOffset, int endOffset); public IDTDBody CreateIntSubset(); public IDTDNDataDecl CreateNDataDecl(); public IProcessingInstruction CreatePI(); public IXmlProcessingInstruction CreatePIXml(); public IExternalId CreatePublicExternalID(); public IRepetitionContent CreateRepetionContent(); public IXmlTag CreateRootTag(IXmlTagHeader header, IXmlElementFactoryContext context); public IElementContent CreateSimpleContent(); public IExternalId CreateSystemExternalID(); public IXmlTag CreateTag(IXmlTagHeader header, IXmlTag parentTag, IXmlElementFactoryContext context); public IXmlTagFooter CreateTagFooter(IXmlTagContainer parentTag, IXmlElementFactoryContext context); public IXmlTagHeader CreateTagHeader(IXmlTagContainer parentTag, IXmlElementFactoryContext context); public IXmlToken CreateToken(ITokenIntern internalizer, XmlTokenNodeType tokenType, IBuffer buffer, int startOffset, int endOffset); public static IXmlElementFactory GetInstance<TLanguage>(); public static IXmlElementFactory GetInstance(ITreeNode element); }

Default implementation of IXmlElementFactory instances when building the PSI tree. It is a per-language class, as indicated by the [Language(typeof(XmlLanguage))] attribute. This means it will be used for all XML derived languages when calling LanguageManager.Instance.GetService<IXmlElementFactory>(language), unless the derived language implements its own IXmlElementFactory.

Call one of the GetInstance methods to get an instance of the class (internally, this calls LanguageManager.GetService, using the language from the passed in ITreeNode or the TLanguage generic parameter.

Use this class to create low-level tree nodes. Use the [XmlElementFactory] class to create a whole IXmlFile or tags and attributes.

Last modified: 04 July 2023