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Tree Nodes (XML))



public interface IProcessingInstruction : IXmlTreeNode, ITreeNode { IXmlToken Body { get; } IXmlToken End { get; } string InstructionTarget { get; } IXmlIdentifier InstructionTargetNode { get; } IXmlToken Start { get; } }

Represents a processing instruction. The Start and End properties give access to the tokens that represent the start and end of the processing instruction, namely the <? and ?> tokens respectively. The InstructionTargetNode property is an IXmlIdentifier that represents the target of the processing instruction, that is, the identifier immediately following the start token. As a convenience, you can get at the text of the target using the InstructionTarget property, which simply calls GetText() on the IXmlIdentifier. Finally, the Body property is a token that contains the content of the processing instruction, if any. This is a simple XmlToken containing the text after the target, unparsed. If the instruction contains text that looks like attributes, they are not parsed - the Body property will contain the full text.

While the <?xml ... ?> declaration at the start of an XML document shares similar syntax to processing instructions, it is not a processing instruction, and is instead represented using the IXmlProcessingInstruction interface.



public interface IXmlAsteriskTokenNode : IXmlToken, IXmlTreeNode, ITokenNode, ITreeNode { }

Marker interface for a token representing the asterisk character (*).


public interface IXmlAttribute : IXmlTreeNode, ITreeNode { string AttributeName { get; } IXmlToken Eq { get; } IXmlIdentifier Identifier { get; } string UnquotedValue { get; } IXmlAttributeValue Value { get; } string XmlName { get; } TreeTextRange XmlNameRange { get; } string XmlNamespace { get; } TreeTextRange XmlNamespaceRange { get; } }

Represents an attribute. The Identifier property returns the tree node that contains the name of the attribute, and the AttributeName convenience property will retrieve the full text of the attribute name, including namespace prefix, if applicable.

The XmlName and XmlNamespace properties will retrieve the text of the attribute name split into local name and namespace prefix, respectively. E.g. foo:bar="quux" will return "bar" for XmlName and "foo" for XmlNamespace. If there is no namespace prefix, an empty string is returned (the XmlNamespace property is annotated with [NotNull]).

The XmlNameRange and XmlNamespaceRange properties return the ranges of the XmlName and XmlNamespace strings relative to the Identifier node. That is, they are the offsets into AttributeName.

The Value property will return the IXmlAttributeValue node representing the value, while the UnquotedValue property will return the string value of the attribute, without surround quotes.

Finally, the Eq property is the token representing the equals sign in the attribute declaration, e.g. name="value".


public interface IXmlAttributeContainer : IXmlTreeNode, ITreeNode { TreeNodeCollection<IXmlAttribute> Attributes { get; } TreeNodeEnumerable<IXmlAttribute> AttributesEnumerable { get; } string ContainerName { get; } }

Represents a node that can contain attributes. This is typically mostly inherited by IXmlTagHeader, but also by IXmlProcessingInstruction in order to expose the attributes defined in the XML declaration. The Attributes collection is pre-iterated and backed by an array, while the AttributesEnumerable is lazily evaluated.

The ContainerName property returns the text of the child IXmlIdentifier node of the container. In other words, for an XML tag, it will return the name of the tag. For an XML declaration, it will return the "xml" part of the <?xml ... ?> declaration.


public interface IXmlAttributeValue : IXmlTreeNode, ITreeNode { string UnquotedValue { get; } IXmlValueToken ValueToken { get; } }

Represents the value in an attribute. It is implemented by the XmlValueToken type, and represents the quoted part of the value in an XML attribute name="value". The ValueToken property provides access to an instance of IXmlValueToken token that essentially represents the same information (indeed, the XmlValueToken implementation simply returns this).


public interface IXmlCData : IXmlTreeNode, ITreeNode { IXmlToken Body { get; } string CData { get; } IXmlToken End { get; } IXmlToken Start { get; } }

An XML CDATA node. The Start property is the <![CDATA[ token, and End is the ]]> token. While they are listed as IXmlToken instances, they are in fact, instances of the IXmlCdataStartTokenNode and IXmlCdataEndTokenNode marker interfaces. Body is a token representing the content of the CDATA node, while the CData property is the content as a plain string.


public interface IXmlCdataEndTokenNode : IXmlToken, IXmlTreeNode, ITokenNode, ITreeNode { }

Marker interface for the CDATA end token ]]>.


public interface IXmlCdataStartTokenNode : IXmlToken, IXmlTreeNode, ITokenNode, ITreeNode { }

Marker interface for the CDATA start token <![CDATA[.


public interface IXmlCommaTokenNode : IXmlToken, IXmlTreeNode, ITokenNode, ITreeNode { }

Marker interface for a token representing the comma character (,).


public interface IXmlComment : IXmlCommentNode, IXmlTreeNode, ITreeNode { }

Represents an XML comment. See IXmlCommentNode.


public interface IXmlCommentEndTokenNode : IXmlToken, IXmlTreeNode, ITokenNode, ITreeNode { }

Marker interface for the XML comment close token -->.


public interface IXmlCommentNode : IXmlTreeNode, ITreeNode { IXmlToken CommentBody { get; } IXmlToken CommentEnd { get; } IXmlToken CommentStart { get; } string CommentText { get; } }

Represents and XML comment. The CommentStart and CommentEnd properties are the start (<!--) and end (-->) tokens of the comment. Although listed here as IXmlToken, they are in fact instances of the IXmlCommentStartTokenNode and IXmlCommentEndTokenNode marker interfaces. The comment text is held in the CommentBody node, and exposed as a string with the CommentText property.


public interface IXmlCommentStartTokenNode : IXmlToken, IXmlTreeNode, ITokenNode, ITreeNode { }

Marker interface for the XML comment start token <!--.


public interface IXmlDocumentNode : IXmlTreeNode, ITreeNode { }

Marker interface representing the document node of an XML file. Inherited by IXmlFile.


public interface IXmlDtdStartTokenNode : IXmlToken, IXmlTreeNode, ITokenNode, ITreeNode { }

Marker interface for the start token (<!DOCTYPE) of an inline DTD declaration.


public interface IXmlEntityTokenNode : IXmlToken, IXmlTreeNode, ITokenNode, ITreeNode { bool IsNumericEntity { get; } string Name { get; } }

An XML entity reference token representing content such as &#8226; or &copy;. The IsNumericEntity property is true if the entity begins with the string &#. The Name property is the name of the entity, with the ampersand and semi-colon removed, or null for numeric entities. That is, &copy; will return "copy" and &#8226; will return null for Name.


public interface IXmlEqTokenNode : IXmlToken, IXmlTreeNode, ITokenNode, ITreeNode { }

Marker interface for a token representing the equals character (=).


public interface IXmlFile : IFile, IXmlTagContainer, IXmlDocumentNode, IXmlTreeNode, ITreeNode { TreeNodeCollection<IProcessingInstruction> ProcessingInstructions { get; } XmlElementTypes XmlElementTypes { get; } }

The root interface for an XML file. Derives from both IFile and IXmlTreeNode. Also derives from IXmlTagContainer showing that it can have child tags.

Exposes a collection of processing instructions and the collection of element types used by this flavour of XML. See the overview for more information about the element types.


public interface IXmlFloatingTextTokenNode : IXmlToken, IXmlTreeNode, ITokenNode, ITreeNode { }

Marker interface for a non-fixed length token, e.g. identifiers, text, entity references or whitespace. Note that the default implementation (XmlFloatingTextToken) is used for text, while the derived XmlWhitespaceToken, XmlEntityToken and XmlIdentifier are used for the other node types. This is so that they can implement other interfaces, such as IXmlEntityTokenNode and IXmlIdentifier. Or in the case of XmlWhitespaceToken, to override ITreeNode.IsFiltered() to return true.


public interface IXmlIdentifier : IXmlToken, IXmlTreeNode, ITokenNode, ITreeNode { string XmlName { get; } TreeTextRange XmlNameRange { get; } string XmlNamespace { get; } TreeTextRange XmlNamespaceRange { get; } }

An XML identifier, with optional namespace prefix. The XmlName property returns the text of the identifier without the namespace prefix, while the XmlNamespace property returns the prefix, if any. E.g. "foo:bar" will return "bar" for XmlName and "foo" for XmlNamespace. If there is no namespace prefix, XmlNamespace returns an empty string (the property is marked with the [NotNull] annotation attribute).

The XmlNameRange and XmlNamespaceRange properties return the ranges of the namespace and local name, relative to the start of the identifier node. If there is no namespace prefix, the range returned by XmlNamespaceRange is empty.


public interface IXmlLbracketTokenNode : IXmlToken, IXmlTreeNode, ITokenNode, ITreeNode { }

Marker interface for a token representing the left bracket character ([).


public interface IXmlLparenthTokenNode : IXmlToken, IXmlTreeNode, ITokenNode, ITreeNode { }

Marker interface for a token representing the left parenthesis character (().


public interface IXmlOrTokenNode : IXmlToken, IXmlTreeNode, ITokenNode, ITreeNode { }

Marker interface for a token representing the "or" or "pipe" character (|).


public interface IXmlPercentTokenNode : IXmlToken, IXmlTreeNode, ITokenNode, ITreeNode { }

Marker interface for a token representing the percent character (%).


public interface IXmlPiendTokenNode : IXmlToken, IXmlTreeNode, ITokenNode, ITreeNode { }

Marker interface for the processing instruction end token ?>.


public interface IXmlPistartTokenNode : IXmlToken, IXmlTreeNode, ITokenNode, ITreeNode { }

Marker interface for the processing instruction start token <?.


public interface IXmlPlusTokenNode : IXmlToken, IXmlTreeNode, ITokenNode, ITreeNode { }

Marker interface for a token representing the plus character (+).


public interface IXmlProcessingInstruction : IXmlAttributeContainer, IXmlTreeNode, ITreeNode { IXmlToken EndNode { get; } IXmlIdentifier Name { get; } IXmlToken StartNode { get; } }

Represents the XML declaration at the start of an XML file, usually of the form:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

The StartNode and EndNode properties provide the IXmlPistartTokenNode and IXmlPiendTokenNode tokens. The Name property gets the IXmlIdentifier node that represents the xml in the declaration.

Access to the attributes is available via the derived IXmlAttributeContainer interface members.


public interface IXmlQuestionTokenNode : IXmlToken, IXmlTreeNode, ITokenNode, ITreeNode { }

Marker interface for a token representing the question mark character (?).


public interface IXmlRbracketTokenNode : IXmlToken, IXmlTreeNode, ITokenNode, ITreeNode { }

Marker interface for a token representing the right bracket character (]).


public interface IXmlRparenthTokenNode : IXmlToken, IXmlTreeNode, ITokenNode, ITreeNode { }

Marker interface for a token representing the right parenthesis character ()).


public interface IXmlSyntaxErrorElement : ITreeNode { string ErrorDescription { get; } XmlSyntaxErrorType ErrorType { get; } }

Represents a syntax error in the tree. Does not derive from IXmlTreeNode. The ErrorDescription property provides textual representation of the error, which can be displayed to the user, e.g. as a tooltip. The ErrorType property is an instance of XmlSyntaxErrorType, which can be compared against the static field instances available on the XmlSyntaxErrorType class.


public interface IXmlTag : IXmlTreeNode, IXmlTagContainer, ITreeNode { IXmlTagFooter Footer { get; } IXmlTagHeader Header { get; } string InnerText { get; } TreeNodeCollection<IXmlToken> InnerTextTokens { get; } string InnerValue { get; } ITreeRange InnerXml { get; } bool IsEmptyTag { get; } TXmlAttribute AddAttributeAfter<TXmlAttribute>(TXmlAttribute attribute, IXmlAttribute anchor); TXmlAttribute AddAttributeBefore<TXmlAttribute>(TXmlAttribute attribute, IXmlAttribute anchor); void RemoveAttribute(IXmlAttribute attribute); }

Represents a complete XML element. The Header and Footer properties represent the opening and closing tags of the element. Attributes can be retrieved via the Header property (see IXmlTagHeader).

The inner content can be retrieved in several ways:

  • InnerXml provides a tree range (relative to the tree) of all nodes after the header, and before the footer, including whitespace. This span will encompass all immediate child nodes (and therefore all descendant nodes, too).

  • InnerText will return the text from the range returned by InnerXml. The text will therefore include all child and descendant tags and content.

  • InnerTextTokens will return all token nodes (see IXmlToken) that are deemed to be "text" tokens. It does this by calling IXmlToken.GetTokenType() and looking that type up in the tag.XmlTokenTypes.TEXT_NODES set. This set is initialised to XmlTokenTypes.TEXT, XmlTokenTypes.ENTITY_REF and XmlTokenTypes.CHAR_REF. This means, it will include all instances of IXmlFloatingTextTokenNode and IXmlEntityTokenNode.

  • InnerValue returns a string containing the content of the child text nodes, including text, entity references, whitespace and CDATA nodes. This property will also check to see if whitespace should be preserved, by using the XmlLangaugeSupport.IsSpacePreserved method to look for xml:space="preserved" on parent tags.

The IsEmptyTag property will return true if Header.IsClosed returns true. That is, if the tag is of the form <foo />.

The AddAttributeAfter, AddAttributeBefore and RemoveAttribute methods will add or remove attributes from the tag header. Passing null as the anchor parameter will insert the attribute before the first attribute for AddAttributeAfter and after the last attribute for AddAttributeBefore. The attribute must have been created beforehand, using the XmlElementFactory class. If the tag is part of a physical tree (that is, associated with a file, and not created as part of a sandbox), then the implementations must take the write lock before adding or removing attributes. The modifications can be performed using ModificationUtil.AddChildAfter, ModificationUtil.AddChildBefore and ModificationUtil.DeleteRange.

Child tags can be retrieved and modified using the IXmlTagContainer derived interface.


public interface IXmlTagContainer : ITreeNode { TreeNodeCollection<IXmlTag> InnerTags { get; } TXmlTag AddTagAfter<TXmlTag>(TXmlTag tag, IXmlTag anchor); TXmlTag AddTagBefore<TXmlTag>(TXmlTag tag, IXmlTag anchor); IList<T> GetNestedTags<T>(string xpath); IXmlTag GetTag(Predicate<IXmlTag> predicate); TreeNodeEnumerable<T> GetTags<T>(); TreeNodeCollection<T> GetTags2<T>(); void RemoveTag(IXmlTag tag); }

Represents a node that can contain tags. Mostly inherited by IXmlTag, but also inherited by IXmlFile.

This interface provides several means of retrieving child tags. Unless otherwise stated, all tags are immediate children of the current tag. When a method is declared as generic, it will filter the child tags so that they match the type passed in. This type must implement IXmlTag, and is mostly useful for finding a specific tag when working with XML-derived languages, such as web.config files or build scripts.

  • The InnerTags property provides a (pre-iterated) collection of child IXmlTag instances.

  • GetTag(Predicate<IXmlTag> predicate) will return the first child tag that matches the given predicate.

  • GetTags<T>() will return a lazily-evaluated enumerable of child tags, filtered to instances of the generic type T passed to the method.

  • GetTags2<T>() will return a pre-iterated collection of child tags. It is similar to InnerTags, except it will filter all instances to the type passed in as T.

  • GetNestedTags<T>(string xpath) will return a list of IXmlTag instances that match a very simple XPath-like expression. The expression only supports "*" and "/", and must start with a tag name. The implementation (XPathUtil.GetNestedTags<T>()) will split the path on the "/" char, and match each path segment. If the path segment is "*" it will match any tag at that level. It does not provide support for matching attributes or skipping path segments with "//". Again, the found tags must also match the type of T passed to the method.

The AddTagAfter, AddTagBefore and RemoveTag methods provide means of adding and removing already created tags to the tag container. Implementations will ensure that tag container is not a self-closed tag (using XmlTagUtil.MakeCompound) and will then use methods in XmlContainerUtil to add or remove the tags. Implementations will also ensure that the write lock is taken, if the tag container is part of a physical tree (that is, associated with a file, and not a sandbox). Tags can be created using the XmlElementFactory derived classes.


public interface IXmlTagEnd1TokenNode : IXmlToken, IXmlTreeNode, ITokenNode, ITreeNode { }

Marker interface for a self-closing XML tag end token />.


public interface IXmlTagEndTokenNode : IXmlToken, IXmlTreeNode, ITokenNode, ITreeNode { }

Marker interface for an XML tag end token >.


public interface IXmlTagFooter : IXmlTreeNode, ITreeNode { IXmlToken EndNode { get; } IXmlIdentifier Name { get; } IXmlToken StartNode { get; } }

Represents the closing tag of an XML element. Not present if the XML tag is self-closing/empty. The StartNode is an instance of IXmlTagStart1TokenNode representing the </ and EndNode is the closing > IXmlTagEndTokenNode token.

The Name property is the identifier representing the name of the element being closed.


public interface IXmlTagHeader : IXmlAttributeContainer, IXmlTreeNode, ITreeNode { IXmlToken EndNode { get; } bool IsClosed { get; } IXmlIdentifier Name { get; } IXmlToken StartNode { get; } }

Represents the opening tag of an XML element. I.e. given the following XML:

<foo baz="quux"> </foo> <bar baz="quux" />

The text <foo baz="quux"> will be an instance of IXmlTagHeader. The StartNode and EndNode properties represent the < and > characters, and will be instances of the IXmlTagStartTokenNode and IXmlTagEndTokenNode marker interfaces.

The text <bar baz="quux" /> will also be an instance of IXmlTagHeader, but will return an instance of IXmlTagEnd1TokenNode to represent the closing />. It will also return true to the IsClosed property.

The Name property retrieves the IXmlIdentifier token that represents the name of the tag. The text for the name can then be retrieved using Name.XmlName and Name.XmlNamespace properties.

Attributes are accessible via the inherited IXmlAttributeContainer interface.


public interface IXmlTagStart1TokenNode : IXmlToken, IXmlTreeNode, ITokenNode, ITreeNode { }

Marker interface for the start token of a closing XML tag (</).


public interface IXmlTagStartTokenNode : IXmlToken, IXmlTreeNode, ITokenNode, ITreeNode { }

Marker interface for the start token of an opening XML tag (</).


public interface IXmlToken : IXmlTreeNode, ITokenNode, ITreeNode { new XmlTokenNodeType GetTokenType(); }

Represents a token in the XML PSI tree. A token is a leaf node in the tree, and cannot be split into smaller nodes. It is the smallest building block node used when creating the tree. For example:

<foo baz="quux" />

When parsed, this is split into the following tokens: <, foo, baz, =, ", quux, " and />. These tokens are then used to build higher level constructs in the PSI tree - a tag, with a start token, identifier, attributes (which themselves are composed of tokens) and a close tag token.

The GetTokenType method returns the XmlTokenNodeType of the particular token. It will be equal to one of the properties set on XmlTokenTypes. Note that this method overrides and hides the ITokenNode.GetTokenType method, however, the returned XmlTokenNodeType derives from TokenNodeType and also implements ITokenNodeType. One useful method for the returned token type is to check if the node is a whitespace node - node.GetTokenType().IsWhitespace().


public interface IXmlTreeNode : ITreeNode { XmlTokenTypes XmlTokenTypes { get; } TReturn AcceptVisitor<TContext, TReturn>(IXmlTreeVisitor<TContext, TReturn> visitor, TContext context); }

Root interface for all XML tree nodes, from tokens to other non-leaf nodes. The XmlTokenTypes property retrieves the instance of XmlTokenTypes used to construct the tree. This might be a derived instance in the cases that the XML dialect defines new constructs (e.g. XAML).

The AcceptVisitor method implements the Visitor pattern. It will call the strongly typed Visit method of the IXmlTreeVisitor instance passed in.


public interface IXmlValueToken : IXmlToken, IXmlTreeNode, ITokenNode, ITreeNode { string UnquotedValue { get; } TreeTextRange UnquotedValueRange { get; } }

Represents a token that is a quoted value. Mostly used to represent the value in an attribute. The UnquotedValue property provides the content of the token without the surrounding quotes, while the UnquotedValueRange property provides the offsets to the unquoted value, relative to the start of the node.

Last modified: 04 July 2023