ReSharper Platform SDK Help

Creating A Plugin

Creating new ReSharper and Rider plugin projects is performed using the dedicated dotnet new template. The generator creates all the necessary project files based on a few template inputs.

Create ReSharper & Rider Plugins

Launch the New Project wizard via the File | New | Project... action and provide the following information:

  1. Download the plugin template from the GitHub Release page.

  2. Install the plugin template by calling:

dotnet new --install JetBrains.ReSharper.SamplePlugin.*.nupkg

  1. Unpack the template with your preferred plugin name:

dotnet new resharper-rider-plugin --name MyPlugin

    Template-Generated Files

    When extracting the template, for instance with --name MyPlugin, it will create the following directory content:

    MyPlugin ├── .github │ └── wrapper │ ├── CI.yml │ └── Deploy.yml ├── .run │ ├── rdgen (Unix).run.xml │ ├── rdgen (Windows).run.xml │ ├── │ ├── Rider (Unix).run.xml │ ├── Rider (Windows).run.xml │ ├── Rider - Frontend (Unix).run.xml │ ├── Rider - Frontend (Windows).run.xml │ ├── │ └── ├── gradle │ └── wrapper │ ├── gradle-wrapper.jar │ └── ├── protocol │ ├── src/main/kotlin/model/rider │ └── build.gradle ├── src │ ├── dotnet │ │ ├── ReSharperPlugin.MyPlugin │ │ │ ├── IMyPluginZone.cs │ │ │ ├── ReSharperPlugin.MyPlugin.csproj │ │ │ └── ReSharperPlugin.MyPlugin.Rider.csproj │ │ ├── ReSharperPlugin.MyPlugin.Tests │ │ │ ├── ReSharperPlugin.MyPlugin.Tests.csproj │ │ │ ├── TestEnvironment.cs │ │ │ └── test │ │ │ └── data │ │ │ └── nuget.config │ │ ├── Directory.Build.props │ │ └── Plugin.props │ └── rider/main │ ├── kotlin/com/jetbrains/rider/plugins/myplugin │ └── resources │ └── META-INF │ └── plugin.xml ├── tools │ ├── nuget.exe │ └── vswhere.exe ├── .gitattributes ├── .gitignore ├── ├── ├── ReSharperPlugin.MyPlugin.sln ├── build.gradle ├── buildPlugin.ps1 ├── ├── gradlew ├── gradlew.bat ├── publishPlugin.ps1 ├── runVisualStudio.ps1 ├── settings.gradle └── settings.ps1
    • The gradlew and gradlew.bat files to bootstrap running Gradle on Windows, macOS, and Linux. These will also automatically install the required Amazon Corretto 11 SDK into the build/gradle-jvm directory.

    • The build.gradle file to build and deploy the plugin for ReSharper and Rider.

    • The buildPlugin.ps1 and publishPlugin.ps1 files to build and deploy only the ReSharper plugin.

    • The, settings.ps1, plugin.xml, and Plugin.props files, containing information about plugin metadata (id, description, authors), dependency versions (ReSharper/ Rider SDK), and paths to solution and project files.

    • The Run/debug configurations for Rider/IntelliJ IDEA (.run directory) and the runVisualStudio.ps1 for PowerShell (--resharper-only template extraction) to launch the plugin in an experimental instance of Rider or Visual Studio with ReSharper.

    • The src/dotnet directory with basic project files for ReSharper and Rider including a test project. The Directory.Build.props defines all common NuGet references for both.

    • The and files for documentation about the plugin. The first section of the is automatically included in the plugin metadata. The has predefined Shields.IO badges with RIDER_PLUGIN_ID and RESHARPER_PLUGIN_ID as placeholders that can be updated after the first deployment.

    • The .github/workflow directory (requires --github-actions during template extraction) with predefined workflows for a continuous build (including Build and Test) and a deployment build.

    Last modified: 04 July 2023