JetBrains Rider 2024.3 Help

Code Inspections in Internationalization

This topic lists all JetBrains Rider code inspections available in Internationalization.

You can toggle specific inspections or change their severity level on the Editor | Inspection Settings | Inspection Severity | Other Languages settings page  Ctrl+Alt+S.



Default Severity

Lossy encoding

Reports characters that cannot be displayed because of the current document encoding.


  • If you type international characters in a document with the US-ASCII charset, some characters will be lost on save.

  • If you load a UTF-8-encoded file using the ISO-8859-1 one-byte charset, some characters will be displayed incorrectly.

You can fix this by changing the file encoding either by specifying the encoding directly in the file, e.g. by editing encoding= attribute in the XML prolog of XML file, or by changing the corresponding options in Settings | Editor | File Encodings.

Warning Warning

Non-ASCII characters

Reports code elements that use non-ASCII symbols in an unusual context.


  • Non-ASCII characters used in identifiers, strings, or comments.

  • Identifiers written in different languages, such as myСollection with the letter C written in Cyrillic.

  • Comments or strings containing Unicode symbols, such as long dashes and arrows.

Warning Warning

Last modified: 11 February 2024