RubyMine 2017.2 Help

CSV Formats Dialog

To access this dialog:

  • From any of the table views:
    Right-click the table and select Data Extractor | Configure CSV Formats.
  • From the Database tool window:
    Right-click the table or view of interest, select Dump Data to File | Configure CSV Formats.

This dialog lets you specify the settings for converting table data into delimiter-separated values formats (e.g. CSV, TSV) and vice versa.

When working on the conversion settings, use the preview in the right-hand part of the dialog.

Formats The list of the available delimiter-separated values formats is shown. Each format is a named set of corresponding conversion settings. Select the format whose settings you want to view or edit.

Use /help/img/idea/2017.2/new.png, /help/img/idea/2017.2/delete.png, /help/img/idea/2017.2/arrowUp.png and /help/img/idea/2017.2/arrowDown.png to create, delete and reorder the formats; /help/img/idea/2017.2/copy.gif to create a copy of the selected format.

Value separator Select or type the character for separating individual values.
Row separator Select or type the character for separating rows.
Null value text The text to be used as a value if a cell contains null (an unknown value).
Add row prefix/suffix Row prefix and suffix are character sequences which in addition to the row separator indicate the beginning and end of a row.

If necessary, click the link and specify the row prefix and suffix in the fields that appear.

Quotation Each line in the area under Quotation is a quotation pattern (see Quote values). A quotation pattern includes:
  • The left quotation character, the one inserted before a value.
  • The right quotation character, the one inserted after a value; usually, the same as the left quotation character.
  • An escape method or character for the cases when the quotation character is part of a value. E.g. Escape: duplicate means that if a quotation character occurs within a value, it is doubled. (You can specify your own escape character instead.)

If there is more than one pattern, the first of the patterns is used.

Use /help/img/idea/2017.2/new.png, /help/img/idea/2017.2/delete.png, /help/img/idea/2017.2/arrowUp.png and /help/img/idea/2017.2/arrowDown.png to create, delete and reorder the patterns.

To start editing an existing pattern, just click the pattern of interest.

Quote values Specify in which cases the values should be quoted (i.e. enclosed within quotation characters).
  • When needed. A value is quoted only if it contains the value and/or the row separator.
  • Always. Any value is quoted in its text representation.
Trim whitespaces If this check box is not selected, the Unicode whitespace characters that precede and follow the value separators are treated as parts of the corresponding values. If this check box is selected, the corresponding whitespace characters are ignored or removed.
First row is header If this check box is selected, the first row is treated as containing column names. The settings that appear under Header Format have the same meanings as the ones above but are applied to the first row.
First column is header If this check box is selected, the first column is treated as containing row names.
Last modified: 26 October 2017

See Also