RubyMine 2024.2 Help


RubyMine supports integration with RuboCop and enables you to fix its offenses right inside the IDE, for example, in the code editor.

RuboCop offense

You can also check the entire project and display all RuboCop warnings in a single report.

If necessary, you can enable the Standard wrapper and use it for analyzing project sources.

Install RuboCop/Standard gems

The RuboCop inspection is enabled in RubyMine by default and requires the 'rubocop' gem to be installed in the project’s SDK. If this gem is not installed, RubyMine will suggest doing this.

Install Rubocop

If you want to use Standard to analyze your project, add the 'standard' gem to your Gemfile and install it.

Enable/Disable RuboCop and Standard inspections

To enable or disable RuboCop and Standard inspections, do the following:

  1. Open the Settings dialog Ctrl+Alt+S.

  2. Go to the Editor | Inspections page and enable/disable the RuboCop inspection under Ruby | Gems and gem management.

  3. If necessary, enable the Use 'standard' gem option to use the Standard wrapper.

    Enable Standard

Fix RuboCop offenses in the editor

When RuboCop inspections are enabled, RubyMine highlights its offenses in the code editor. To see the warning description and fix it, do the following:

  1. Place the caret at the highlighted area and press Ctrl+F1.

    RuboCop warning in the editor
  2. To fix the offense, press Alt+Enter. You can fix all suggested offenses in a file, or you can apply only specific fixes by a class offense or cop department.

    Fix RuboCop offense

Run Rubocop inspection

RubyMine enables you to find RuboCop offenses for the entire project by running a corresponding inspection. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I or go to Code | Analyze Code | Run Inspection by Name in the main menu.

  2. In the popup, find RuboCop and press Enter.

  3. In the Run 'RuboCop' dialog, specify the scope of files that you want to analyze. If necessary, enable Use 'standard' gem. Click OK.

  4. Wait until RubyMine analyzes your project. In the Inspection Results tool window, you can explore RuboCop offenses and fix auto-correctable ones using the Fix all auto-correctable RuboCop offenses button.

    RuboCop inspection results

    You can also explore individual files and apply specific fixes by a class offense or cop department.

    RuboCop inspection results

Run RuboCop on save

You can configure RubyMine to automatically launch RuboCop and autocorrect your code in safe mode every time you save your changes.

  1. In the Settings dialog (Ctrl+Alt+S) , select Editor | Inspections.

  2. Select the RuboCop inspection under Ruby | Gems and gem management.

  3. Select the Run `rubocop -a` on save option to enable RuboCop autocorrection on save.

    Run RuboCop on save
  4. Click OK to apply the changes.

Map RuboCop and IDE severities

By default, RubyMine maps RuboCop severities and inspection severities in the following way:

RuboCop severity

Inspection severity

Refactor, Convention

Weak Warning



Error, Fatal


To change the default mapping, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Settings dialog Ctrl+Alt+S.

  2. Go to the Editor | Inspections page and select the RuboCop inspection.

  3. Configure how RuboCop severities map to inspection severities in the RuboCop Severities Mapping group.

    Severity mappings


RubyMine takes into account all settings specified in the .rubocop.yml file. For example, if you disable some checks for a specified cop department, the editor will not show corresponding offenses. Moreover, these offenses won't be shown in the RuboCop inspection report.

How to: Run RuboCop for the opened file with custom options

Sometimes it is necessary to run RuboCop for the currently opened file with custom options. For example, this can be useful when RuboCop inspections are disabled, or you want to assign a shortcut for a specific RuboCop action.

In this example, we'll show how to use RuboCop as an external tool to correct layout offenses in the currently opened file.

Create a custom RuboCop action

  1. In the Settings dialog (Ctrl+Alt+S) , select Tools | External Tools.

  2. Click the Add button and specify the following settings:

    The Edit Tool dialog
    • Name: The menu command that will be displayed in the RubyMine interface (the Tools menu and context menus).

    • Group: The name of the group to which the command belongs. You can select an existing group or type the name of a new group.

    • Program: The name of the RuboCop executable.

    • Arguments: The arguments passed to the executable file, as you would specify them on the command line. Here we use -x RuboCop option to run only layout cops for the current file.

    • Working directory: The path to the current working directory from which the tool is executed.

  3. Click OK to add the tool and then apply the changes.

  4. (Optional) Assign a shortcut for the created action. In the Settings dialog (Ctrl+Alt+S) , select Keymap, find the External Tool action under the RuboCop node and specify a shortcut.

    Configure shortcut

Run a custom RuboCop action

  • To run the created RuboCop action, go to the Tools main menu or use the context menu of a file.

    Run custom action

    When the command runs, its output is displayed in the Run tool window.

    Custom action output
Last modified: 17 June 2024