JetBrains Space Help

Edit User Profiles

All user information, including personal and work-related records, is stored in a personal profile.

Open the person's profile (press Control+K to find it) to edit the records.

  1. On the profile page sidebar, choose Profile Settings:

  2. Choose Personal Data to edit:

    • first and last name, username

    • birthday

    • gender

    • a short personal introduction

    • profile picture (avatar) — click the placeholder image and follow the instructions

    Choose Contact Details to edit the contact information (phone numbers, email, messengers, websites)

    Choose Languages to add or remove the spoken languages.

  3. When you're finished editing the profile, click Save.

Edit user's location and work schedule

User location and working days/hours is important data that will be taken into account for arranging meetings, blog post targeting, notifications, etc.

To specify or edit user's location:

  1. On the profile page sidebar, choose Locations.

  2. Click Add location and choose it from the list. Optionally, specify the time period in this location.

  3. You can edit or delete the existing location or move the user from it to a new one using the corresponding controls. Optionally, specify the time period in this location.

To specify user's weekly work schedule (work days and hours):

  1. On the profile page sidebar, choose Profile Settings and go to Work Schedule.

  2. Click New period, then specify working days and hours for the selected period. Several periods can be specified for one person.

  3. You can edit or delete the existing periods using the corresponding controls.

Last modified: 31 January 2023