JetBrains Space Help

Explore Package Repositories

Package repositories are project-wide entities: Every project has its own Packages.

To view Packages of a particular project, open the project, and on the project sidebar menu, choose Packages. Here you can create new repositories, view properties of a particular repository, and of a particular package.

Find repositories and packages

All Packages repositories are included into the global Space search index. Therefore, the easiest way to find a repository by its name is to press Control+K and start typing it.

To find a particular package, you should open the Packages page of a particular project (or a page of a particular repository) and type the package name into the search field.

Subscribe to notifications about new package versions

If you want to be notified when a new version of a certain package is published, you can subscribe to such notifications in the package properties. Once subscribed, you will receive notification messages in the Packages channel of Space Chats.

  1. Find the desired package.

  2. Open the package properties page.

  3. Click Subscribe. You will be subscribed to notifications about the release versions of the package.

    Subscribe to package new versions
  4. If you want to receive notifications about all package versions, click Subscribed and select All versions.

Last modified: 18 August 2023