TeamCity Add-in 2017.1 Help

File System Explorer

ReSharper | Options | TeamCity | File System Explorer

This options page lets you configure the way TeamCity Add-in displays files in your file system. For example, when you choose Show in Explorer from the context menu of a file in the Local Changes window.

Navigate with Choose how TeamCity Add-in should display files in your file system:
  • Windows Explorer (default option) - Select this option to use Windows Explorer as a file system explorer.
  • Custom tool - Select this option if you want to use some tool other than Windows Explorer to explore the local file system.
    You will have to specify the path to the executable file of the tool and define arguments that it accepts. Type them manually in the text box, or click Tokens to select tokens from the provided list. These tokens will be used to pass data to the tool.
    Click Test to check if the tool works with the specified arguments.
Last modified: 24 August 2017