WebStorm 2019.1 Help

Pug (Jade) Template Engine

WebStorm integrates with the Pug (Jade) template engine.

Changes to the UI

The Pug (ex-Jade) plugin introduces the following changes to the WebStorm UI:

  • The Jade file item is added to the New menu.

  • The Pug files are marked with the Pug icon; the Jade files are marked with the Jade icon.

  • Coding assistance is provided in the Pug (Jade)-specific and HTML context:

Using Pug(Jade) templates in a Node.js application

At runtime, the Pug (Jade) files fill be transformed into HTML pages.

  1. Create a project from scratch, or around existing sources, or based on a NodeExpress template. See Creating Projects for details.

  2. Create a Pug (Jade) file. Follow these steps:

    1. In the Project Tool Window, select the directory in which you want to create a new file. To do that, for example, choose File | New.

    2. From the context menu, choose Jade file and specify the filename in the dialog that opens.

  3. Create a File Watcher to transform files with the extension .jade or .pug into .html pages:

    1. Click the Add Watcher link in the upper right-hand corner of the editor.

    2. In the New Watcher Dialog, accept the default predefined settings.

      Note that if the executable is in the PATH, then you should not specify it explicitly. Depending on the file extension (.jade or .pug), the corresponding executable is invoked.

      Configuring a Jade file watcher
  4. As you edit a .pug/.jade file, WebStorm invokes the file watcher which creates an .html file with the name of the processed .pug/.jade file and stores the generated html code in it.

Configuring syntax highlighting

You can configure Pug/Jade-aware syntax highlighting according to your preferences and habits.

  1. In the Settings/Preferences dialog (Ctrl+Alt+S), go to Editor | Color Scheme | Pug/Jade.

  2. Select the color scheme, accept the highlighting settings inherited from defaults or customize them as described in Configuring Colors and Fonts.

Last modified: 16 May 2019

See Also