YouTrack Standalone 2018.2 Help

Create Release Notes

YouTrack lets you export a list of issues as an HTML page. You can use this page to publish release notes for a product. The ID of each issue in the list is set as a link to the original issue in YouTrack.

The maximum number of issues that you can export is determined by the Max Issues to Export setting on the Global Settings page. The default value is 500. If the number of issues that you want to export exceeds the global limit, ask an administrator to increase this value. For more information, see System.

To export a list of issues to HTML:

  1. Click the Issues link in the header.

  2. Search for the issues that you want to display on the HTML page. For example, to create release notes you can use search query like this one:

    in: YouTrack #Feature #Task #Verified Fix versions: 2017.2
    YouTrack finds features and tasks in the YouTrack project with the Verified state that were fixed and verified for version 2017.2.

  3. Set the level of detail in the issues list. This setting determines the default level of detail in the HTML report. If you set the level of detail to One-line view or Compact view, the issue ID and issue summary are displayed in the HTML report.

  4. From the Reports drop-down list, select Issues in HTML.
    reportsDDIssuesInHTML thumbnail

    • An HTML page is generated with the list of issues.

    • The issues in the list are grouped by issue type.

  5. From the View Options menu, set the level of detail on the HTML report. The following options are available:



    Show description

    Displays the description for each issue in the HTML report.

    Show comments

    Displays the comments that have been added to each issue. The comment author and date when the comment was added to the issue are also shown.

    You can toggle the descriptions on or off by clicking the Show issue description link.
  6. Click the link to see the title of the HTML page.

    issuesInHtmlDetails thumbnail

That's it! Your HTML report is ready for use. The page is saved on your YouTrack server. You can add the URL for this page to your website or email messages.

Last modified: 7 March 2019

See Also
