The State of Developer Ecosystem Survey in 2018

Demographics & Methodology

What is your main employment status?
Which of the following best describes your job roles regardless of your position level?

Question with checkboxes. Sum of shares may be more than 100%.

This question was only answered by respondents who are fully / partially employed by a company / organization, freelancers or are self-employed.

16% of Developers are also DevOps Engineers, and 15% work as Architects.

How many people work for your company / organization?

This question was only answered by respondents who are fully / partially employed by a company / organization or are self-employed.

Is IT your company’s core business?

This question was only answered by respondents who are fully / partially employed by a company / organization or are self-employed.

What kind of development does your company do?

Question with checkboxes. Sum of shares may be more than 100%.
This question was only answered by respondents who are fully / partially employed by a company / organization or are self-employed.

How long have you been working in the IT industry?
What is the size of your project team?

This question was only answered by respondents who are fully / partially employed by a company / organization, freelancers or are self-employed.

What agile software development framework do you use in your team, if any?

This question was hidden for the respondents who work on their projects independently.

40% of the respondents who use agile frameworks in their team, practice pair programming. However only 20% of those, who do not use an agile framework, practice pair programming.

How is your team distributed? (%)

This question was hidden for the respondents who work on their projects independently.

Could you tell us your age range?


More than 15K people participated in the Developer Ecosystem Survey 2018, but only the responses of 6K respondents were included in this report.

We used Twitter Ads, Facebook Ads, Google Adwords, and JetBrains' own communication channels to invite potential survey respondents to take part. To minimize bias, the reports only include responses coming from Twitter Ads, Facebook Ads and Google Adwords.

We collected enough samples from Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Russia, South Korea, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, and the United States to feel our sample is representative of the current Developer Ecosystem. As around 70% of all the developers in the world are based in these countries.

To minimize possible bias against non-English-speaking respondents, we conducted the survey in 6 languages.

We also performed weighting to present differences in developer numbers by country and the number of students in different countries.

Despite these measures, some bias is likely present as our users may have been more willing on average to complete the survey.





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