YouTrack Now Integrates With GitLab CI/CD

Software development teams can now update YouTrack issues based on the outcome of automated jobs that build and test software using GitLab CI/CD.

Our latest update brings suggestions for linking similar issues to YouTrack Lite, adds an image editor to YouTrack Lite, and includes rich-text formatting options for YouTrack Classic. We’ve also optimized the administration section of the application to give you quick access to the settings you update most often, and we’ve simplified some aspects of permissions management.

GitLab CI/CD integration

GitLab CI/CD integration

GitLab CI/CD works with pipelines, where each pipeline is a set of jobs. When you commit your changes, GitLab runs the corresponding pipeline jobs to check that your code changes work as expected. If the pipeline job is completed successfully, GitLab tells YouTrack to update its issues.

For example, issues resolved in the scope of a particular set of changes can be automatically marked as fixed by having the integration update the corresponding custom field. The field will also contain a link to the pipeline, so you can navigate to it in just one click.

The GitLab CI/CD integration is built as an extension to existing GitLab VCS integrations, so you can set it up with minimal effort.

Similar issues in YouTrack Lite

Similar issues in YouTrack Lite

As you fill out the issue summary, YouTrack searches for other issues with similar text. The New Issue page contains a section that shows issues that might be similar to the issue you are currently creating. It helps you avoid creating a duplicate issue and allows you to add links to similar issues without leaving the page. This functionality has already been available in YouTrack Classic for a long time, and now we’ve added it to YouTrack Lite, too.

Rich-text formatting for YouTrack Classic

Rich-text formatting for YouTrack Classic

YouTrack Classic now offers text styling options for issues and comments. The same handy text editor used for Articles in the Knowledge Base is now available both in YouTrack Lite and in YouTrack Classic. Easily add headings, format text, create lists and tables, add checkboxes, and embed files – everything you need to make your work communications nice and clear. And if that’s not enough, the option to switch to Markdown editing is also available.

New Image Editor

New Image Editor

A simple chart can do a lot to help explain a difficult concept or solve a problem.

This is why both YouTrack Lite and YouTrack Classic now include an image editor. This feature lets you add comments and edits to an image. You can open any image that is attached to an issue, annotate it with comments, crop an area, draw something on top, or highlight what you think is most important. Use the image editor to make your communication and collaboration more effective in YouTrack.

Administration optimization

We’ve also optimized the administration section of the application to give you quick access to the settings you update most often, and we’ve simplified the permissions scheme. Three separate permissions – “Create Role”, “Update Role”, and “Delete Role” – have been combined into one “Manage Role” permission.

Audit tool for discontinuing the legacy REST API

Starting from the next YouTrack version, 2021.3, the legacy Rest API will be discontinued. This audit tool will help your administrators check whether that change could affect your YouTrack instance. Use the Deprecated Rest API Traffic section in the Global Settings | Server Configuration menu to locate applications and services that are still using the legacy Rest API for your YouTrack. Please refer to this blog post for more information.