ReSharper Platform SDK Help

Create Menu Items Using Actions

Examples (?):

If you want to expose your feature in a menu or a toolbar, you should use actions. Action is a unit of work (implemented as a special class) that is associated with a particular menu or toolbar item. Note that you can assign a Visual Studio shortcut to an action. Learn more about actions.

Let's create a simple action that shows a message box being triggered.

public abstract class SampleAction : IExecutableAction { public bool Update(IDataContext context, ActionPresentation presentation, DelegateUpdate nextUpdate) { return true; // function result indicates whether the menu item is enabled or disabled } public void Execute(IDataContext context, DelegateExecute nextExecute) { RunAction(context, nextExecute); } protected abstract void RunAction(IDataContext context, DelegateExecute nextExecute); } [Action("ActionShowMessageBox", "Show message box", Id = 543210)] public class ActionShowMessageBox : SampleAction, IInsertLast<MainMenuFeaturesGroup> { protected override void RunAction(IDataContext context, DelegateExecute nextExecute) { var solution = context.GetData(JetBrains.ProjectModel.DataContext.ProjectModelDataConstants.SOLUTION); MessageBox.ShowInfo(solution?.SolutionFile != null ? $"{solution.SolutionFile?.Name} solution is opened" : "No solution is opened"); } }


  • Actions must implement IExecutableAction.

  • Update returns bool value that indicates whether the menu item is enabled or disabled.

  • Execute runs the action.

  • Actions are marked with the special Action attribute, which defines action name, text that is shown in a menu and action Id. Note that Id must be unique!

  • Use the IDataContext object passed to the action to obtain any context data, e.g. project model data.

Last modified: 04 July 2023