JetBrains Rider 2017.3 Help

Solution-Wide Analysis

JetBrains Rider's solution-wide analysis enables two related but distinct features:

  • Solution-wide errors monitor lets you constantly keep track of all errors in your solution: both actual compiler errors and JetBrains Rider’s own inspections with the corresponding severity levels. This feature works together with the design-time code inspection and brings two advantages:
    • You do not have to open every file to make sure that your solution does not contain errors.
    • If you delete a public member or change its visibility, code in the current file can be still correct, but what if this member is used somewhere else in the solution? For example, suppose that you changed the visibility of a member from public to internal, assuming that it was only used inside the current project. At this stage, JetBrains Rider finds no errors in the current file. Then, you switch on the solution-wide analysis , and actually there are errors. You can jump to the next error in solution and find out that someone uses this member from another project in your solution.
  • Solution-wide code inspections help find issues that can be only detected by analysing the whole solution (unused public members, classes, and parameters, unassigned public fields, suspicious type conversions etc.). When the solution-wide analysis is enabled, issues detected by the solution-wide inspections are highlighted in the opened files in the same way as other issues, and they also appear in the Inspection Results window when you run code inspection in specific scope.

In this section:

Last modified: 19 April 2018

See Also