JetBrains Space Help

Billing and Limits

Every paid JetBrains Space subscription plan starting with the TEAM plan includes a certain amount of Computation credits. The allocated amount is not dependent on the number of members in the organization. The credits are spent when you run your Automation scripts. How many credits are spent depends on the run environment:

Each month your amount of Computation credits is restored. The amount of Computation credits left in the current month is shown on the Administration → Billing & Plans → Computation Credits bar.

Billing of containers in Space Automation Cloud

One Computation credit is equivalent to one minute of work of a container with default resources: 2 vCPUs and 7800 MB of memory.

The usage is calculated based not on actual usage but based on the resources allocated for a certain container. For example, you use a container with cpu = 0.5.cpu and memory = 3900.mb. Such a container will cost you 0.5 Computation credits per minute: Though it consumes 0.5 vCPU (0.5 / 2 = 0.25 Computation credits per minute), it also consumes 3900 MB of memory (3900 / 7800 = 0.5 Computation credits per minute). The larger value is taken into account: 0.5 Computation credits per minute.

Here is the calculation for containers with minimal, default, and maximal resources.






0.5 vCPU

256 MB or less

0.09 Computation credits per minute

10000 Computation credits = approx. 1852 hours = 2.57 containers can work nonstop within a month


2 vCPU

7800 MB

1 Computation credit per minute

10000 Computation credits = approx. 166 hours = one container can work 8 hours a day for 20 days


8 vCPU

31.2 GB

4 Computation credits per minute

10000 Computation credits = approx. 41.5 hours = one container can work 8 hours a day for 5 days

File share limits

The file share has the following limitations:

  • The file share size is limited to 2 GB within a job. Learn more

  • The file share monthly traffic limit is 200 GB for all paid subscription plans. Learn more

When does container start working

Running a job implies some additional activities: running helper containers, mounting a volume to a container, and cloning the project repository to this volume. Automation starts to withdraw Computation credits from your balance at the moment when cloning of the repository is started. The work of additional helper containers is not taken into account.

Billing of self-hosted workers

Automation lets you run scripts not only in the Space Automation Cloud but also on your own hardware. You can do this with the help of self-hosted workers. Billing of self-hosted workers depends on your subscription plan:




0.5 Computation credits per one minute of actual usage of a self-hosted worker

Organization and Enterprise

0.25 Computation credits per one minute of actual usage of a self-hosted worker

Billing of Space cloud workers

Space cloud workers are billed based on the worker instance type. One Computation credit is equivalent to one minute of work of a regular virtual machine: 2 vCPUs and 7800 MB of memory.

Currently, there are two instance types available:






2 vCPU

7800 MB

1 Computation credit per minute

10000 Computation credits = approx. 166 hours = one worker can work 8 hours a day for 20 days


4 vCPU

15.6 GB

2 Computation credits per minute

10000 Computation credits = approx. 83 hours = one worker can work 8 hours a day for 10 days

Extra large

8 vCPU

31.2 GB

4 Computation credits per minute

10000 Computation credits = approx. 41.5 hours = one worker can work 8 hours a day for 5 days

Learn more about cloud worker instances.

What happens when you spend all of your Computation credits

Each paid subscription plan includes not only a certain amount of Computation credits but also a certain amount of so-called Reserve credits – your safety stock of Computation credits. After you spend all monthly Computation credits, Automation will disable automatic job triggers in all repositories (for example, by 'git push'). After this, you can trigger an Automation job only by manually running it on the Automation page. Reserve credits will be used to pay for this job run.

After you spend all of the Reserve credits, Automation will be disabled. The only option to enable it back is to buy additional Computation credits.

How many Computation credits does a certain step spend

  1. Open the project's Jobs page.

  2. Select the job you are interested in.

  3. Open the Steps tab.

  4. Choose the required step and switch to the Details tab.

  5. The amount of Computation credits spent on this step are shown in Credits spent:

    Spent Computation credits
Last modified: 14 February 2024