API Reference
HTTP API lets you access and work with a lot of Space modules and functionality (see the table of contents to the left for the entire list.)
The API uses a number of specific object types and enums described on this page.
Object types
ATimeZone type
object with fields:
ATimeZoneWithOffset type
object with fields:
AbsenceApproval type
object with fields:
AbsenceApprovalWebhookEvent type
object with fields:
AbsenceCommonSubscriptionFilter type
object with fields:
AbsenceCommonSubscriptionFilterIn type
object with fields:
AbsenceEvent type
object with fields:
AbsenceReasonRecord type
object with fields:
AbsenceRecord type
object with fields:
AbsenceWebhookEvent type
object with fields:
AccessRecord type
object with fields:
AdHocConnectedAppMetadata type
object with fields:
AllChannelsListEntry type
object with fields:
AllReactionsToItemRecord type
object with fields:
AnyOfCFFilter type
AnyOfFilter type
object with fields:
AnyOfFilterValue type
ApiIcon type
object with fields:
AppMessageDeliveryClientErrorDTO type
object with fields:
AppParameter type
object with fields:
AppPublicationCheckPayload type
No properties |
AppUiEnabledState type
object with fields:
AppUiExtContextData type
object with fields:
AppUiExtensionApi type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
AppUiExtensionIn type
Name | Type |
Possible values:
AppUserActionExecutionResult type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
AppUserActionExecutionResult.AuthCodeFlowRequired type
object with fields:
AppUserActionExecutionResult.Failure type
object with fields:
AppUserActionExecutionResult.Success type
object with fields:
ApplicationAuthorizationRequestedEvent type
ApplicationAuthorizedWebhookEvent type
ApplicationHomepageUiExtensionApi type
object with fields:
ApplicationHomepageUiExtensionIn type
object with fields:
ApplicationMetadata type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
ApplicationPayload type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
ApplicationSshKeyWebhookEvent type
object with fields:
ApplicationUnfurl type
object with fields:
ApplicationUnfurlContent type
Name | Type |
Possible values:
ApplicationUnfurlContent.Image type
object with fields:
ApplicationUnfurlContent.Message type
object with fields:
ApplicationUnfurlContext type
Name | Type |
Possible values:
ApplicationUnfurlDomain type
object with fields:
ApplicationUnfurlPattern type
object with fields:
ApplicationUnfurlPatternRequest type
object with fields:
ApplicationUnfurlQueueItem type
object with fields:
ApplicationUnfurlQueueItemsCreatedEvent type
No properties |
ApplicationUnfurlTarget type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
ApplicationUnfurlTarget.Domain type
object with fields:
ApplicationUnfurlTarget.Pattern type
object with fields:
ApplicationUnfurlTargetWebhookEvent type
object with fields:
ApplicationUninstalledPayload type
object with fields:
ApplicationWebhookEvent type
object with fields:
ApplicationsSubscriptionFilter type
object with fields:
ApplicationsSubscriptionFilterIn type
object with fields:
ArticleAppUnfurlContext type
object with fields:
ArticleChannelRecord type
object with fields:
ArticleContentRecord type
object with fields:
ArticleDetailsRecord type
object with fields:
ArticleImportResult type
object with fields:
ArticleMarkdownImage type
object with fields:
ArticlePreviewRecord type
object with fields:
ArticleRecord type
object with fields:
AssignedPerson type
object with fields:
Attachment type
AttachmentIn type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
AttachmentInfo type
object with fields:
AttachmentUnfurlDetails type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
AuthCodeFlowPermissionsRequest type
object with fields:
AuthConfig type
object with fields:
AuthModuleUsage type
object with fields:
AuthScope type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
AutomationJobEvent type
object with fields:
AutomationJobExecutionUnfurlDetails type
object with fields:
AutomationJobSubscriptionFilter type
object with fields:
AutomationJobSubscriptionFilterIn type
object with fields:
AutomationJobUnfurlDetails type
object with fields:
AutomationServiceMetadata type
object with fields:
AutonumberCFFilter type
object with fields:
AutonumberCFParameters type
object with fields:
AutonumberCFType type
No properties |
AutonumberCFValue type
object with fields:
AvailableTrial type
object with fields:
AvatarCropSquare type
object with fields:
AzureRegisterNewUserRule type
object with fields:
BG_ArticleAlias type
object with fields:
BG_Stats type
object with fields:
BOMDiff type
BacklogType type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
BacklogType.Manual type
object with fields:
BacklogType.SearchBased type
object with fields:
BacklogTypeIn type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
BacklogTypeIn.Manual type
No properties |
BacklogTypeIn.SearchBased type
object with fields:
BatchInfo type
object with fields:
BillingFeedChannel type
object with fields:
BillingReport type
object with fields:
BillingReportDay type
object with fields:
BirthdayEvent type
object with fields:
BlockUnfurlDetails type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
BlogCalendarEvent type
object with fields:
BlogCommonSubscriptionFilter type
object with fields:
BlogCommonSubscriptionFilterIn type
object with fields:
BlogEventMenuActionContext type
object with fields:
BlogPublicationDetails type
object with fields:
BlogPublicationDetailsIn type
object with fields:
BlogWebhookEvent type
object with fields:
BoardBacklog type
object with fields:
BoardColumn type
object with fields:
BoardColumns type
object with fields:
BoardInfo type
object with fields:
BoardIssueField type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
BoardIssueField.BuiltIn type
object with fields:
BoardIssueField.Custom type
object with fields:
BoardIssueInputField type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
BoardMemberOwners type
object with fields:
BoardOwners type
object with fields:
BoardRecord type
object with fields:
BoardSprintFilterValue type
object with fields:
BoardSprintIn type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
BoardSprintIn.Backlog type
object with fields:
BoardSprintIn.Board type
object with fields:
BoardSprintIn.Sprint type
object with fields:
BoardTeamOwners type
object with fields:
BookContainerInfo type
object with fields:
BooleanCFFilter type
object with fields:
BooleanCFType type
No properties |
BooleanCFValue type
object with fields:
BooleanFilterValue type
object with fields:
Branch type
object with fields:
BranchInfo type
object with fields:
BusinessEntityRelationEvent type
object with fields:
CApplicationPrincipalDetails type
object with fields:
CAutomationTaskPrincipalDetails type
object with fields:
CBuiltInServicePrincipalDetails type
object with fields:
CFCommitIdentifier type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
CFCommitIdentifier.CommitHash type
object with fields:
CFCommitIdentifier.Full type
object with fields:
CFCommitInfoBase type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
CFCommitInfoBase.CFCommitInfo type
object with fields:
CFCommitInfoBase.PermissionDenied type
object with fields:
CFConstraint type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
CFCreateParameters type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
CFEnumValue type
object with fields:
CFEnumValueModification type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
CFEnumValueModification.Create type
object with fields:
CFEnumValueModification.Remove type
object with fields:
CFEnumValueModification.Update type
object with fields:
CFEnumValuesModification type
object with fields:
CFFilter type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
CFInputValue type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
CFParameters type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
CFType type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
CFUpdateParameters type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
CFValue type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
CPrincipal type
object with fields:
CPrincipalDetails type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
CRight type
object with fields:
CUserPrincipalDetails type
object with fields:
CUserWithEmailPrincipalDetails type
object with fields:
CalendarEvent type
object with fields:
CalendarEventIn type
object with fields:
CalendarEventSpec type
object with fields:
CalendarInfo type
object with fields:
CallSession type
object with fields:
CallSessionUnfurlDetails type
object with fields:
CertificateInfo type
object with fields:
ChangeClientSecretPayload type
object with fields:
ChangeInReview type
object with fields:
ChangeServerUrlPayload type
object with fields:
ChangeUnfurlViewType type
object with fields:
ChannelContactThread type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
ChannelEvent type
object with fields:
ChannelFilterValue type
object with fields:
ChannelFilterValueDetails type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
ChannelInfoAttachment type
object with fields:
ChannelItemRecord type
object with fields:
ChannelItemSnapshot type
object with fields:
ChannelItemSyncRecord type
object with fields:
ChannelMessageMenuActionContext type
object with fields:
ChannelParticipant type
object with fields:
ChannelPermissionContext type
object with fields:
ChannelPermissionTarget type
object with fields:
ChannelSpecificDefaults type
object with fields:
ChatBotUiExtensionApi type
No properties |
ChatBotUiExtensionIn type
No properties |
ChatChannelSubscriptionFilter type
object with fields:
ChatChannelSubscriptionFilterIn type
object with fields:
ChatContactDetails type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
ChatContactDetails.App type
object with fields:
ChatContactDetails.Conversation type
object with fields:
ChatContactDetails.Default type
object with fields:
ChatContactDetails.Profile type
object with fields:
ChatContactDetails.Thread type
object with fields:
ChatContactRecord type
object with fields:
ChatMessage type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
ChatMessage.Block type
object with fields:
ChatMessage.Text type
object with fields:
ChatMessageCreatedEvent type
object with fields:
ChatMessageDeletedEvent type
object with fields:
ChatMessageEditableByMe type
No properties |
ChatMessageIdentifier.ExternalId type
object with fields:
ChatMessageMenuItemUiExtensionApi type
object with fields:
ChatMessageMenuItemUiExtensionIn type
object with fields:
ChatMessageMenuItemVisibilityFilterApi type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
ChatMessageMenuItemVisibilityFilterIn type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
ChatMessageReactionAddedEvent type
object with fields:
ChatMessageReactionRemovedEvent type
object with fields:
ChatMessageReactionSubscriptionFilter type
object with fields:
ChatMessageReactionSubscriptionFilterIn type
object with fields:
ChatMessageUnfurlContext type
object with fields:
ChatMessageUpdatedEvent type
object with fields:
ChatModification type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
ChatSubscriptionFilterIn type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
Checklist type
object with fields:
ChecklistBodyIn type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
ChecklistDocumentBody type
object with fields:
ChecklistDocumentBodyCreateIn type
object with fields:
ChecklistDocumentBodyEditIn type
object with fields:
ChecklistDocumentHttpBody type
object with fields:
CheckoutRevisionDTO type
object with fields:
ClientInfo type
object with fields:
ClientSideActionContext type
CodeDiscussionAddedFeedEvent type
object with fields:
CodeDiscussionAnchor type
object with fields:
CodeDiscussionRecord type
object with fields:
CodeDiscussionSnippet type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
CodeDiscussionSnippet.InlineDiffSnippet type
object with fields:
CodeDiscussionSnippet.PlainSnippet type
object with fields:
CodeDiscussionSuggestedEdit type
object with fields:
CodeDiscussionSuggestedEditRequest type
object with fields:
CodeLine type
object with fields:
CodeReviewCommitsUpdatedWebhookEvent type
object with fields:
CodeReviewDescription type
object with fields:
CodeReviewDetailedInfo type
object with fields:
CodeReviewDiscussion type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
CodeReviewDiscussion.Bound type
object with fields:
CodeReviewDiscussion.Unbound type
object with fields:
CodeReviewDiscussionAddedFeedEvent type
object with fields:
CodeReviewDiscussionCounter type
object with fields:
CodeReviewDiscussionRecord type
object with fields:
CodeReviewDiscussionWebhookEvent type
object with fields:
CodeReviewEditableByMe type
No properties |
CodeReviewLinkedExternalIssuesChanged type
object with fields:
CodeReviewMenuActionContext type
object with fields:
CodeReviewMenuItemUiExtensionApi type
object with fields:
CodeReviewMenuItemUiExtensionIn type
object with fields:
CodeReviewMenuItemVisibilityFilterApi type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
CodeReviewMenuItemVisibilityFilterIn type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
CodeReviewParticipant type
object with fields:
CodeReviewParticipantCodeOwnerSlot type
object with fields:
CodeReviewParticipantQualityGateSlot type
object with fields:
CodeReviewParticipantRecord type
object with fields:
CodeReviewParticipantSlotBase type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
CodeReviewParticipantWebhookEvent type
object with fields:
CodeReviewParticipants type
object with fields:
CodeReviewPendingMessageCounter type
object with fields:
CodeReviewRecord type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
CodeReviewSubscriptionFilter type
object with fields:
CodeReviewSubscriptionFilterIn type
object with fields:
CodeReviewUnboundDiscussionCounter type
object with fields:
CodeReviewUnboundDiscussionRecord type
object with fields:
CodeReviewUnfurlContext type
object with fields:
CodeReviewUpdatedWebhookEvent type
object with fields:
CodeReviewWebhookEvent type
object with fields:
CodeReviewWithCount type
object with fields:
CodeScopeRange type
object with fields:
CodeSnippetAnchor type
object with fields:
CodeSuggestedEditHeadContentDetails type
object with fields:
CommandDetail type
object with fields:
Commands type
object with fields:
CommitInfo type
object with fields:
CommitLinkedExternalIssuesChanged type
object with fields:
CommitLinksContainer type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
CommitMessageUnfurlContext type
object with fields:
CommitMessageUnfurlsRecord type
object with fields:
CommitSetReviewRecord type
object with fields:
CommonProjectFeaturePinnedItem type
object with fields:
CommonProjectFeaturePins type
object with fields:
ComposerPackageDependency type
object with fields:
ComposerPackageType type
object with fields:
ComposerPackageVersionDetails type
object with fields:
ComputePoolKey type
object with fields:
ConfigurePermissionsAction type
object with fields:
ContactCFFilter type
object with fields:
ContactCFParameters type
object with fields:
ContactCFType type
No properties |
ContactCFValue type
object with fields:
ContactExtraTag type
object with fields:
ContactListCFType type
No properties |
ContactListCFValue type
object with fields:
ContainerHelmChart type
object with fields:
ContainerHelmChartDependency type
object with fields:
ContainerImage type
object with fields:
ContainerImageAnnotation type
object with fields:
ContainerImageConfig type
object with fields:
ContainerImageLayer type
object with fields:
ContainerImagePlatform type
object with fields:
ContainerManifest type
object with fields:
ContainerPackageType type
object with fields:
ContainerPackageVersionDetails type
object with fields:
ContextMenuItemUiExtensionApi type
ContextMenuItemUiExtensionIn type
CratesPackageDependency type
object with fields:
CratesPackageType type
object with fields:
CratesPackageVersionDetails type
object with fields:
CreateExternalIssueProjectResult type
object with fields:
CreateExternalIssueRequestPayload type
object with fields:
Currency type
object with fields:
CustomActionPayload type
object with fields:
CustomBoardIssueInputField type
object with fields:
CustomEmojiAddedEvent type
object with fields:
CustomEmojiDeletedEvent type
object with fields:
CustomEmojiInfo type
object with fields:
CustomEmojiUpdatedEvent type
object with fields:
CustomField type
object with fields:
CustomFieldData type
object with fields:
CustomFieldInputValue type
object with fields:
CustomFieldValue type
object with fields:
CustomFieldValueData type
object with fields:
CustomFieldValueUpdate type
object with fields:
CustomFieldsRecord type
object with fields:
CustomGenericSubscriptionIn type
object with fields:
CustomHttpHeaderDTO type
object with fields:
DTO_FullRightWithoutType type
object with fields:
DTO_Meeting type
object with fields:
DTO_MeetingRSVP type
object with fields:
DTO_Right type
object with fields:
DTO_RightType type
object with fields:
DTO_RightType_Right type
object with fields:
DTO_RightsDeps type
object with fields:
DTO_RightsGroup type
object with fields:
DTO_RightsWithHierarchy type
object with fields:
DartPackageDependency type
object with fields:
DartPackageType type
object with fields:
DartPackageVersionDetails type
object with fields:
DashboardItemData type
object with fields:
DashboardPreferencesRecord type
object with fields:
DataProducerOptions type
object with fields:
DateCFConstraint type
object with fields:
DateCFFilter type
object with fields:
DateCFType type
No properties |
DateCFValue type
object with fields:
DateFilterValue type
object with fields:
DateRangeFilter type
object with fields:
DateRangeIn type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
DateRangeIn.Range type
object with fields:
DateRangeIn.SpecialValue type
object with fields:
DateTimeCFConstraint type
object with fields:
DateTimeCFFilter type
object with fields:
DateTimeCFType type
No properties |
DateTimeCFValue type
object with fields:
DateTimeFilterValue type
object with fields:
DateTimeViewParams type
object with fields:
DeleteAllAutomationLegacyChannelsAction type
No properties |
DeleteAutomationLegacyChannelAction type
object with fields:
DeleteMessage type
object with fields:
DeletePersonalFeedAction type
object with fields:
DeletedAttachment type
object with fields:
DeployTargetAuditLogEntry type
object with fields:
DeployTargetChangedMCExtension type
No properties |
DeployTargetFieldMod type
object with fields:
DeployTargetLink type
object with fields:
DeployTargetRecord type
object with fields:
DeployTargetRepositoryDTO type
object with fields:
DeployTargetsSearchExpression type
object with fields:
DeployTargetsSearchFilter type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
DeployTargetsSearchFilter.Archived type
object with fields:
DeployTargetsSearchFilter.ByCustomField type
object with fields:
DeployTargetsSearchFilter.ByDescription type
object with fields:
DeployTargetsSearchFilter.ByLinks type
object with fields:
DeployTargetsSearchFilter.ByMainLink type
object with fields:
DeployTargetsSearchFilter.ByMaintainers type
object with fields:
DeployTargetsSearchFilter.ByMatchingText type
object with fields:
DeployTargetsSearchFilter.ByName type
object with fields:
DeployTargetsSearchFilter.ByProjects type
object with fields:
DeployTargetsSearchFilter.Maintainer type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
DeployTargetsSearchFilter.Maintainer.NoMaintainers type
No properties |
DeployTargetsSearchFilter.Maintainer.Team type
object with fields:
DeployTargetsSearchFilter.Maintainer.User type
object with fields:
DeploymentCFFilter type
object with fields:
DeploymentCFInputValue type
object with fields:
DeploymentCFType type
No properties |
DeploymentCFValue type
object with fields:
DeploymentCommitRefDetails type
object with fields:
DeploymentCommitReference type
object with fields:
DeploymentData type
object with fields:
DeploymentInfo type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
DeploymentM2ChannelInfo type
object with fields:
DeploymentM2DetailsNoThread type
No properties |
DeploymentM2DetailsWithThread type
object with fields:
DeploymentRecord type
object with fields:
DeploymentTargetM2ChannelInfo type
object with fields:
DeploymentWebhookEvent type
object with fields:
DeploymentsSubscriptionFilter type
object with fields:
DeploymentsSubscriptionFilterIn type
object with fields:
DevConfigurationAccessSettingsDTO type
object with fields:
DevConfigurationAccessTypeDTO type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
DevConfigurationAccessTypeDTO_Private type
object with fields:
DevConfigurationAccessTypeDTO_Project type
No properties |
DevConfigurationHotPool type
object with fields:
DevConfigurationParticipantDTO type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
DevConfigurationParticipantDTO_Team type
object with fields:
DevConfigurationParticipantDTO_User type
object with fields:
DevConfigurationWarmup type
object with fields:
DevConfigurationWarmupTriggers type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
DevConfigurationWarmupTriggers.Cron type
object with fields:
Diff type
object with fields:
DiffContext type
DiffSide type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
DiffSide.Empty type
object with fields:
DiffSide.NonEmpty type
object with fields:
DiscussionCounter type
object with fields:
Document type
object with fields:
DocumentAccess type
object with fields:
DocumentAccessRecipient type
object with fields:
DocumentAccessRecipientIdentifier type
object with fields:
DocumentAppUnfurlContext type
object with fields:
DocumentBodyCreateIn type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
DocumentBodyInfo type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
DocumentBodyUpdateIn type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
DocumentCFFilter type
object with fields:
DocumentCFInputValue type
object with fields:
DocumentCFParameters type
object with fields:
DocumentCFParametersInput type
object with fields:
DocumentCFScope type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
DocumentCFScope.Project type
object with fields:
DocumentCFScopeInput type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
DocumentCFScopeInput.Project type
object with fields:
DocumentCFType type
No properties |
DocumentCFValue type
object with fields:
DocumentContainerInfo type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
DocumentCustomSubscriptionFilter type
object with fields:
DocumentCustomSubscriptionFilterIn type
object with fields:
DocumentEditableByMe type
No properties |
DocumentEditorsChangedEvent type
object with fields:
DocumentFolder type
object with fields:
DocumentFolderCustomSubscriptionFilter type
object with fields:
DocumentFolderCustomSubscriptionFilterIn type
object with fields:
DocumentFolderEditableByMe type
No properties |
DocumentFolderItem type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
DocumentFolderItem.DocumentItem type
object with fields:
DocumentFolderItem.FolderItem type
object with fields:
DocumentFolderMenuActionContext type
object with fields:
DocumentFolderMenuItemUiExtensionApi type
object with fields:
DocumentFolderMenuItemUiExtensionIn type
object with fields:
DocumentFolderMenuItemVisibilityFilterApi type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
DocumentFolderMenuItemVisibilityFilterIn type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
DocumentFolderMetaWebhookEvent type
object with fields:
DocumentFolderOwnAccessChangedEvent type
object with fields:
DocumentFolderWithChildren type
object with fields:
DocumentHistoryUnfurlDetails type
object with fields:
DocumentHttpBody type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
DocumentListCFInputValue type
object with fields:
DocumentListCFType type
No properties |
DocumentListCFValue type
object with fields:
DocumentMenuActionContext type
object with fields:
DocumentMenuItemUiExtensionApi type
object with fields:
DocumentMenuItemUiExtensionIn type
object with fields:
DocumentMenuItemVisibilityFilterApi type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
DocumentMenuItemVisibilityFilterIn type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
DocumentMetaWebhookEvent type
object with fields:
DocumentWebhookEvent type
object with fields:
DocumentsSearchHighlights type
object with fields:
DryCleanupResults type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
DryCleanupResults.Failure type
object with fields:
DryCleanupResults.Results type
object with fields:
DryRunResult type
object with fields:
DslEvaluationConfig type
object with fields:
DslRuntimeInfo type
object with fields:
ES_App type
object with fields:
ES_AppSettings type
object with fields:
ES_ApplicationPassword type
object with fields:
ES_ApplicationPermanentToken type
object with fields:
ES_ApprovedScope type
object with fields:
ES_AuthModule type
object with fields:
ES_AuthModuleSettings type
ES_AuthenticationSession type
object with fields:
ES_AzureAuthModuleSettings type
object with fields:
ES_BuiltinAuthModuleSettings type
object with fields:
ES_BuiltinProfileLoginDetails type
object with fields:
ES_ComposerRepositorySettings type
object with fields:
ES_ContainerRegistrySettings type
object with fields:
ES_CratesRegistrySettings type
object with fields:
ES_DartRepositorySettings type
object with fields:
ES_DefaultProfileLoginDetails type
object with fields:
ES_ExternalPasswordAuthModuleSettings type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
ES_FederatedAuthModuleSettings type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
ES_FileRepositorySettings type
object with fields:
ES_GithubAuthModuleSettings type
object with fields:
ES_GithubProfileLoginDetails type
object with fields:
ES_GoogleAuthModuleSettings type
object with fields:
ES_HiddenAuthModuleSettings type
object with fields:
ES_HubAuthModuleSettings type
object with fields:
ES_HubProfileLoginDetails type
object with fields:
ES_LdapAttributeNames type
object with fields:
ES_LdapAuthModuleSettings type
object with fields:
ES_MavenRepositorySettings type
object with fields:
ES_NpmRegistrySettings type
object with fields:
ES_NuGetFeedSettings type
object with fields:
ES_OAuth2AuthModuleSettings type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
ES_OAuthApp type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
ES_OAuthConsent type
object with fields:
ES_OAuthInternalApp type
object with fields:
ES_OAuthUserApp type
object with fields:
ES_OIDCAuthModuleSettings type
object with fields:
ES_PackageRepositorySettings type
ES_PasswordAuthModuleSettings type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
ES_PersonalToken type
object with fields:
ES_ProfileLogin type
object with fields:
ES_ProfileLoginDetails type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
ES_PythonPackageIndexSettings type
object with fields:
ES_RefreshToken type
object with fields:
ES_SamlAttributeNames type
object with fields:
ES_SamlAuthModuleSettings type
object with fields:
ES_TeamMapping type
object with fields:
EbsSnapshotApi type
object with fields:
EbsVolumeApi type
object with fields:
EditMessage type
object with fields:
EmailBouncedEvent type
object with fields:
EmojiReaction type
object with fields:
EmojiReactionRecord type
object with fields:
EmojiSearchMatchData type
object with fields:
EndpointAuthCreate type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
EndpointAuthCreate.Basic type
object with fields:
EndpointAuthCreate.Bearer type
object with fields:
EndpointAuthCreate.PublicKeySignature type
No properties |
EndpointAuthCreate.SigningKey type
No properties |
EndpointAuthCreateDTO type
object with fields:
EndpointAuthDTO type
object with fields:
EndpointAuthRead type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
EndpointAuthRead.Basic type
object with fields:
EndpointAuthRead.Bearer type
No properties |
EndpointAuthRead.PublicKeySignature type
No properties |
EndpointAuthRead.SigningKey type
No properties |
EndpointAuthRead.Unknown type
No properties |
EndpointAuthUpdateDTO type
object with fields:
EndpointCreateDTO type
object with fields:
EndpointDTO type
object with fields:
EntityMention type
object with fields:
EnumCFFilter type
object with fields:
EnumCFInputParameters type
object with fields:
EnumCFInputValue type
object with fields:
EnumCFParameters type
object with fields:
EnumCFType type
object with fields:
EnumCFValue type
object with fields:
EnumListCFInputValue type
object with fields:
EnumListCFType type
object with fields:
EnumListCFValue type
object with fields:
EnumValueData type
object with fields:
EnvVar type
object with fields:
EventConferenceData type
object with fields:
EventExternalSource type
object with fields:
EventSubjectInfoDTO type
object with fields:
EventTypeInfoDTO type
object with fields:
ExtendedType type
object with fields:
ExtendedTypeKey type
object with fields:
ExternalCheckDTO type
object with fields:
ExternalCodeReviewLink type
object with fields:
ExternalCollaboratorType type
No properties |
ExternalEndpointUpdateDTO type
object with fields:
ExternalEntityInfoRecord type
object with fields:
ExternalIssue type
object with fields:
ExternalIssueDataIn type
object with fields:
ExternalIssueEvent type
Name | Type |
Possible values:
ExternalIssueEventQueueItem type
object with fields:
ExternalIssueEventQueueItemsBatch type
object with fields:
ExternalIssueField type
object with fields:
ExternalIssueId type
object with fields:
ExternalIssueIdOut type
object with fields:
ExternalIssueLinkedCodeReviewsChanged type
object with fields:
ExternalIssueLinkedCommit type
object with fields:
ExternalIssueLinkedCommitsChanged type
object with fields:
ExternalIssueLinkedCommitsForRepo type
object with fields:
ExternalIssueStatusIn type
object with fields:
ExternalIssueTrackerProjectApi type
object with fields:
ExternalIssueTrackerProjectIn type
object with fields:
ExternalIssueTrackerProjectLink type
object with fields:
ExternalIssueTrackerUiExtensionApi type
object with fields:
ExternalIssueTrackerUiExtensionIn type
object with fields:
ExternalLink type
object with fields:
ExternalLinkPattern type
object with fields:
FailureConditionDTO type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
FeatureFlagDate type
object with fields:
FeatureFlagInfo type
object with fields:
FeatureFlagWebhookEvent type
object with fields:
FeedEvent type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
FileAttachment type
object with fields:
FileBOM type
object with fields:
FileData type
object with fields:
FileDetails type
object with fields:
FileDocumentBody type
object with fields:
FileDocumentBodyCreateIn type
object with fields:
FileDocumentBodyInfo type
object with fields:
FileDocumentBodyUpdateIn type
object with fields:
FileDocumentHttpBody type
object with fields:
FileDocumentRecord type
object with fields:
FileSetInReview type
object with fields:
FileType type
object with fields:
Fingerprint type
object with fields:
FolderAccess type
object with fields:
FolderAccessRecipient type
object with fields:
FolderAccessRecipientIdentifier type
object with fields:
FollowedColleagueSettingsDTO type
object with fields:
FollowedEntityDTO type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
FollowedEntityDTO.Project type
object with fields:
FollowedEntityDTO.Team type
object with fields:
FollowedMembersSettings type
object with fields:
Fraction type
object with fields:
FractionCFFilter type
object with fields:
FractionCFType type
No properties |
FractionCFValue type
object with fields:
FullWebhookDTO type
object with fields:
GenericIssueId type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
GetMessagesResponse type
object with fields:
GettingStartedUiExtensionApi type
object with fields:
GettingStartedUiExtensionIn type
object with fields:
GitAuthorInfo type
object with fields:
GitCheckout type
object with fields:
GitCherryPickResult type
object with fields:
GitCommitChange type
object with fields:
GitCommitChanges type
object with fields:
GitCommitFileRequest type
object with fields:
GitCommitInfo type
object with fields:
GitCommitInfoWithChanges type
object with fields:
GitCommitResult type
object with fields:
GitCommitSignature type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
GitCommitSignature.ExpiredKey type
object with fields:
GitCommitSignature.NotVerified type
No properties |
GitCommitSignature.Raw type
object with fields:
GitCommitSignature.RevokedKey type
object with fields:
GitCommitSignature.Verified type
object with fields:
GitCommitWithGraph type
object with fields:
GitCommitterProfile type
object with fields:
GitDiffSize type
object with fields:
GitFile type
object with fields:
GitFileAttribute type
object with fields:
GitFileChange type
object with fields:
GitFileContent type
Name | Type |
Possible values: |
GitFileContent.Base64 type
object with fields:
GitFileContent.Deleted type
No properties |
GitFileContent.Text type
object with fields:
GitFileProperties type
object with fields:
GitGraphLayoutEdge type
object with fields:
GitGraphLayoutLine type
object with fields:
GitGraphLayoutNode type
object with fields:
GitMergeBranchResult type
object with fields:
GitMergeResultHttp type
object with fields:
GitMergedFile type
object with fields:
GitRebaseResult type
object with fields:
GitRebaseResultHttp type
object with fields:
GitRepositorySettings type
object with fields:
GitRepositorySettings.Bundle type
object with fields:
GitRepositorySettings.MirrorSettings type
object with fields:
GitRepositorySettings.PreReceiveHook type
object with fields: