CommunityAniket Bhattacharyea

Aniket Bhattacharyea

Aniket is a Mathematics postgraduate who has a passion for computers and software. He likes to explore various areas related to coding and works as a web developer using Ruby on Rails and Vue.js.


Part of tutorial

Next Up - Building a gRPC Server for Efficient Communication.
Generating Stubs for Reverse Proxy

Part of tutorial

Generating Stubs for Reverse Proxy
Relaying gRPC Requests - Using a Reverse Proxy for Interoperability.
gRPC in Go: Let's Go

Part of tutorial

gRPC in Go: Let's Go
Building a GRPC Application - Let's Get Started.

Part of tutorial

Prepare Your Software for a Task Management App Build.

Part of tutorial

Wrapping Up with gRPC.
gRPC Client

Part of tutorial

gRPC Client
Developing the gRPC Client and Implementing Endpoints.
Hooking Everything Up

Part of tutorial

Hooking Everything Up
Integrating Client and Server Components.
Connecting to a Database

Part of tutorial

Connecting to a Database
Setting Up PostgreSQL - A Local Database for Your Project.
Testing the REST API

Part of tutorial

Testing the REST API
Putting the Reverse Proxy to Work - Testing the REST-to-gRPC Translation.
Writing the gRPC Server

Part of tutorial

Writing the gRPC Server
Implementing the gRPC Server - Creating Tasks and Handling Errors.
Comments Table

Part of tutorial

Comments Table
Finalizing the gRPC Server - Creating the Comments Table and Endpoints.