
Tips and content for development
using databases.


Latest tips

Automate checks for your Django project
Automate checks for your Django project
Extend Django's system check framework to turn painful code reviews into a joy.
Demystifying Nulls and Nlanks in Django
Demystifying Nulls and Nlanks in Django
Learn the difference between blank=True and null=True
Speed up your Django Queries
Speed up your Django Queries
Optimising queries beyond the N + 1 problem.
View Database Definitions
View Database Definitions
View the definitions of database entities quickly in the Database tool window.

Latest links

Synthesizing a Database With Kotlin
Synthesizing a Database With Kotlin
In this episode of Talking Kotlin, we discuss how Synthesized uses Kotlin together with custom DSLs and OpenAPI to do just that!
Zero to Document Hero - Introduction to MongoDB
Zero to Document Hero - Introduction to MongoDB
Learn about the primary differences between relational databases, non-SQL databases and document databases.
Working with SQL and databases in WebStorm
Working with SQL and databases in WebStorm
The basics of writing SQL queries and working with data using the Database Tools and SQL plugin for WebStorm.
5 Tips for Combining Python and SQL in Datalore
5 Tips for Combining Python and SQL in Datalore
What if you could use Python and SQL inside of one tool?

NoSQL with MongoDB

Zero to Document Hero - Introduction to MongoDB
Zero to Document Hero - Introduction to MongoDB
Learn about the primary differences between relational databases, non-SQL databases and document databases.
Query a MongoDB databases
Query a MongoDB databases
Run any queries you want against the database inside your JetBrains IDE.
Connect to a MongoDB database
Connect to a MongoDB database
Access a MongoDB database from your JetBrains IDE and do the work in the same window.
Query MongoDB databases using SQL statements
Query MongoDB databases using SQL statements
Run MongoDB queries in SQL format within your IDE.

Spring Boot – Marco Codes

H2 Database - Intro
H2 Database - Intro
Working with an H2 Database.
Spring Data JDBC - Repositories
Spring Data JDBC - Repositories
Working with Spring Data JDBC.

Data access in .NET

Basics of Entity Framework Core
Basics of Entity Framework Core
Working with databases using an object relational mapper.
Basics of ADO.NET
Basics of ADO.NET
Working with databases using DbConnection, DbCommand, and DbDataReader.
Basics of Dapper
Basics of Dapper
Working with databases using Open Source.