
Learning resources on external sites, organized as part of the Guide.

Synthesizing a Database With Kotlin
Synthesizing a Database With Kotlin
In this episode of Talking Kotlin, we discuss how Synthesized uses Kotlin together with custom DSLs and OpenAPI to do just that!
Zero to Document Hero - Introduction to MongoDB
Zero to Document Hero - Introduction to MongoDB
Learn about the primary differences between relational databases, non-SQL databases and document databases.
Working with SQL and databases in WebStorm
Working with SQL and databases in WebStorm
The basics of writing SQL queries and working with data using the Database Tools and SQL plugin for WebStorm.
5 Tips for Combining Python and SQL in Datalore
5 Tips for Combining Python and SQL in Datalore
What if you could use Python and SQL inside of one tool?
Working with SQL and databases in Rider
Working with SQL and databases in Rider
In this webinar, we'll show the basics of writing SQL queries and working with data in Rider. All described is also relevant to the dedicated database IDE called DataGrip and all other IntelliJ-based IDEs.
DataGrip Overview
DataGrip Overview
This is the overview video of DataGrip, the SQL IDE from JetBrains.
Webinar Summary - Working with SQL and Databases in IntelliJ IDEA
Webinar Summary - Working with SQL and Databases in IntelliJ IDEA
Watch ‘Working with SQL and Databases in IntelliJ IDEA’ by Maksim Sobolevskiy, Product Marketing Manager for Database Tools at JetBrains.
Database Performance Tips with Django
Database Performance Tips with Django
Watch Python developer Andrew Brookins helps you squeeze every ounce of database performance from your Django application.
Create SQLite Connection
Create SQLite Connection
Learn how to drag-and-drop a .sqlite database file onto the Database tool to create a connection.