Amazon AWS

Amazon AWS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a secure cloud services platform

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a secure cloud services platform, offering compute power, database storage, content delivery and other functionality to help businesses scale and grow. In simple words AWS allows you to do the following things- Running web and application servers in the cloud to host dynamic websites.

Part of tutorial

Integrating FastAPI with JWT Tokens.

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Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
Deploying application using EKS, RDS, ElastiCache, Route53 & AWS Certificate Manager.

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Reference materials which helped to prepare this tutorial.

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Kubernetes Deployment
Writing K8s manifests & deploying in minikube.

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Implementing a REST API for User modules using Pydantic & API Router.

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Performing CRUD operations in Products & Category Module.

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Performing CRUD operations in Orders along with placing a new order.

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Database Setup - Part I
Configuring database connection with SQLAlchemy and FastAPI.

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Database Setup - Part II
Setting up database migrations with Alembic.

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Helm Charts
Combine your K8s manifests into a single package using Helm Charts.

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Cleaning up stack (removing RDS, EKS, ElastiCache, LoadBalancer, Route53).

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Performing CRUD operations in our User module.

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Writing Unit Tests using Pytest & Asyncio.

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Project Setup
Setting up FastAPI project type in PyCharm Professional.

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Celery & Redis
Configuring Celery & Redis with FastAPI.

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Performing CRUD operations in Orders & Cart Module.


Developing FastAPI Application using K8s & AWS
Build seamless FastAPI applications in PyCharm through Kubernetes & AWS.

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Introducing FastAPI, a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework.


Developing Django Application using AWS
Run, build, test and deploy Django Application in PyCharm using NICE DCV.

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Behavior-Driven Development(BDD) Testing
Writing and running BDD tests using Behave

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Exploring Django with Docker
Building and running Django Containers through Docker

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Implementing Rest APIs
Writing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) in Django Rest Framework.

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Github Actions
Deploy Docker Image to AWS ECR through GitHub Actions

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Exploring Project Structure & Creating Django App
Create a new app, define models, and explore the project's structure.

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Cleaning up resources from AWS

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Introducing Django, a high-level python web framework.

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Secure REST APIs with JWT
Using Simple JWT authentication plugin for the Django REST Framework

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Creating a new Django Project in PyCharm
Create a virtual environment and install Python dependencies.

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Integrating Sentry Application Monitoring
Track errors & monitor performance in all major languages & frameworks with Sentry

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Setup AWS RDS in PyCharm
Connect Postgres with our Django Application.

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Unit Tests
Writing and running unit tests in Django

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Setting up VPC and RDS in AWS
Setup VPC, Subnets, Route Tables, Internet Gateway and Relational Database.

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Setup Ubuntu Desktop in AWS using NICE DCV
Configure security group and launch a new instance.


Developing Serverless APIs using AWS Toolkit
Run, build, and deploy serverless functions in PyCharm.

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Setting Up a Database in MongoDB Atlas
Connect MongoDB smoothly by connecting through Pycharm Professional to explore the database GUI.

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Securing APIs with JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
Adding Custom Authorizers in Lambda functions

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Removing Resources from AWS Console

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Deploying Functions
Use PyCharm Professional to deploy your Lambda APIs.

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Invoking Functions Locally
Execute Lambda function inside a container through PyCharm Professional.

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Writing REST APIs
Beginning CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) Operations

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Project Setup
Install AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model), AWS CLI & finally PyCharm Plugin AWS Toolkit.

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Writing unit tests of our functions that we deploy to AWS Lambda, to ensure everything works.

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Exploring Project Structure
Launching up project in PyCharm Professional, installing plugin and exploring the project layout.

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Background on Serverless
Introduce Microservices, AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model)