Datalore 2025.1 Help

Import a workspace from a Git repository

If you have a Git repository with notebooks and other files, you can import it to Datalore and use it as an own workspace. The import works as follows:

  • The new workspace in Datalore borrows the title of the imported Git repository.

  • All .ipynb files of the imported Git repository are added to the Notebooks section.

  • All other files are added to the Files section of the new workspace data.

  • The original folder structure of the imported Git repository is preserved.


  1. On the Home page, click the New workspace button in the lower left corner of the screen. This will open the New workspace dialog.

  2. In the New workspace dialog, switch to the From repository tab.

    From repository tab
  3. Your further steps depend on whether you want to import a public or private repository. Choose the respective tab and continue as instructed:

    • Provide the URL in the Repository URL field.

    1. Provide the URL in the Repository URL field. This will enable the Add SSH key button.

    2. Click the Add SSH key button. This will open the Add SSH key dialog.

      Add SSH key dialog
    3. In the Add SSH key dialog, paste a private key or add an automatically generated one by clicking generate one in the text under the Private key box.

    4. Click Copy public key and add the copied public part of the key to the target Git repository. For example, in GitHub, it's in Settings | Deploy keys | Add deploy key.

    5. Click the Add key button.

  4. (Optional) To import a branch other than the default one, do the following:

    1. Expand the list under Default reference.

    2. Click the Fetch list of references button.

    3. Select a branch from the list.

      Fetched list of repository branches
  5. Click the Create workspace button.


  • The new workspace is added to the Workspaces you own category.

  • To find the other files from the imported repository, go to Data | Files.

  • To edit the workspace, copy the public key or view the key details, go the workspace settings.

Last modified: 24 January 2025