How to Generate PHP Tests With JetBrains AI Assistant

JetBrains AI Assistant, coupled with PhpStorm, can bring about a transformative change in your testing routine. Whether you’re an experienced tester or you barely write any tests at all, there’s definitely something in store for you!

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Author: Tania Goral

This blog post discusses how to generate PHP tests using JetBrains AI Assistant. It highlights the importance of testing in software development and mentions that many developers skip or postpone writing tests due to the perceived complexity of the task. However, with the help of JetBrains AI Assistant, testing can become easier and more efficient. The post introduces a series of three blog posts that explain different ways to benefit from AI when testing PHP applications.

The first post focuses on automating unit testing using AI Assistant, while the second post discusses how to tweak AI prompts to improve PHP tests. The final post explores how to make AI Assistant generate PHP test implementations.

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