Advanced Team Directory
Advanced team directory is an optional set of features that can be enabled by a system administrator to manage administrative tasks in big organizations.
With these features enabled, you can see members' positions in teams, their managers, locations, track membership history and monitor team events.
Choose Teams from the main navigation menu.
This page is the entry point to explore your organization and see recent changes.
The left hand sidebar lists all the teams, locations, and positions in your organization:

The four tabs in the center let you:
HOME — view recent events and recently joined members.
FEED — view the events timeline, see who and when:
joined or
left a team
joined or
left the organization
changed their position in a team
MEMBERS — view and search all members.
CALENDAR — view current and upcoming absences (vacations, sick leaves, etc.) or the history of absences for a specified period of time.
Filter out the output by Position and Location — use the drop-down menus on top:

Each team member has a Position in the team that defines their title or specialty (e.g. QA engineer, accountant).
Team Lead is a team member with additional responsibilities and viewing rights within the team. Team Lead keeps track of team members' availability, receives and approves absence requests from other team members. A team can have one or more Team Leads.
Manager is your direct supervisor. A Manager can be assigned explicitly to a team member. If not, your Team Lead automatically becomes your Manager. Manager has the same rights and responsibilities over his/her subordinates as a Team Lead over his/her team members.
Team Admin is in charge of keeping the team's records relevant and up-to-date. Team Admin receives and approves requests to join or leave the team. Team Admin can edit team members profiles, add new members to the team and create new sub-teams.
Team Admin may not be necessarily a member of the team, however in most cases Team Admin and Team Lead is the same person.
Some employees can have global editing rights (usually it's system administrators and HR). They can edit team records and member profiles, including scheduled absences and personal information, add and remove members from teams.