Hands-Free Coding With Gaze Control in JavaScript

Charlie Gerard

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In the tech industry, when talking about accessibility, we usually focus on improving the ways people use a website but we never really think about the experience of people who build it. What if we could improve the coding experience by going beyond the keyboard and build tools that would allow different kinds of interactions? In this talk, I’ll show how we can use gaze detection in JavaScript to enable hands-free coding.


  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 01:34 Inspiration for the project
  • 04:26 Hands-free coding by Josh Comeau
  • 05:37 How Charlie worked on her project
  • 14:49 Project demo
  • 16:12 Limitations
  • 19:47 Conclusion

About the Presenter

Charlie Gerard, Senior Frontend Engineer at Netlify

Related Resources

Make Your Work Environment Distraction Free
Make Your Work Environment Distraction Free
Need to focus on just your code? You can switch to the distraction-free or zen mode.
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WebStorm can help you add arrow functions to your code.