

JavaScript for any scale

TypeScript is an open-source language which builds on JavaScript, one of the world’s most used tools, by adding static type definitions.


Add console.log Faster
Use Postfix Completion to quickly add console.log.


JavaScript Day 2022
JetBrains JavaScript Day 2022 is a free virtual event that took place on November 10, 2022.


React, TypeScript, and TDD
How to write React applications in TypeScript using TDD, highlighting features of the IDE

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Class Components With Props
Make a simple class component with a single prop, again with a TypeScript interface describing the props.

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Presentation and Container Components
Follow the React pattern of container/presentation components by refactoring the code and tests.

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Class Components With State
Make a very simple class component with local counter state, then make a type definition for that state.

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Project Setup
Create a React+TypeScript project with the create-react-app scaffolding tool.

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Rich Events and Testing
Add event handling to a stateful class component by first writing tests during development.


Create New Type Alias
Use a code refactoring to swiftly create a new type alias.


Extract Type Alias
Learn how to extract a type alias in your TypeScript code.


Adding Imports Automatically
WebStorm helps add an import even if you're using default exports.


Complete Current Statement
Add curly braces and move the cursor with a single keystroke.


Make Fields Private or Public
Use a quick fix to quickly make a field public or private.