
Well-organized collection of learning resources for Python.


Latest tips

Undo Last Commit
Undo a commit...without misery.
Speed Up Coverage with Configuration File
Speed up your "visual coverage" with a config file and correct working directory.
Create a Project from GitHub
Let PyCharm do the work to clone and setup a project hosted on GitHub.
Put New Project Under Version Control
The fastest way to register a new project directory under local version control.

Latest tutorials

Remote Development in PyCharm Professional Using Google Cloud Code
Leverage Cloud Code and PyCharm to enhance and optimize your developer productivity.
Getting Started with PyCharm
Everything you need to know to get started developing applications in PyCharm.
Developing FastAPI Application using K8s & AWS
Build seamless FastAPI applications in PyCharm through Kubernetes & AWS.
Static Sites With Sphinx and Markdown
Sphinx is great for docs. But it's also great for information-rich websites. With MyST, you can use Markdown with Sphinx.

Recent playlists

42 Tips and Tricks
Become an IDE champ with these bite-sized tips and tricks.
Navigation Bar Intro
Move around files with keyboard, without wasting screen UI space