Package Search

Package Search

Search, evaluate, and manage dependencies in IDE easily.

Package Search lets you search, evaluate, and manage dependencies inside the IDE. It is supported for main build tools such as Maven, Gradle, and sbt. This is a collection of tips to help you get started.

Manage Dependencies


Manage Dependencies
Manage all your dependencies in the Dependencies tool window.
Select Kotlin Multiplatform dependencies


Select Kotlin Multiplatform dependencies
Select Kotlin Multiplatform dependencies in the Dependencies tool window.
Remove Dependency


Remove Dependency
Remove dependency in the Dependencies tool window.
Upgrade Dependencies


Upgrade Dependencies
Upgrade dependencies from the Dependencies tool window.
Dependency Details Pane


Dependency Details Pane
See relevant information about your dependencies.
Upgrade Dependencies


Upgrade Dependencies
Upgrade dependencies from your `pom.xml` file.
Package Checker


Package Checker
Find and fix vulnerabilities inside IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate.
Gradle projects

Part of tutorial

Gradle projects
View vulnerable dependencies in Gradle projects.

Part of tutorial

Package Checker plugin in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate.
Summary and Shortcuts

Part of tutorial

Summary and Shortcuts
Find and fix vulnerabilities inside IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Summary.
Remediate dependencies

Part of tutorial

Remediate dependencies
Remediate dependencies using IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate.
Maven projects

Part of tutorial

Maven projects
View vulnerable dependencies in Maven projects.
Vulnerable Dependencies tool window

Part of tutorial

Vulnerable Dependencies tool window
View vulnerable dependencies in the Vulnerable Dependencies tool window.
Managing dependencies


Managing dependencies
Managing dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA.
Add dependencies

Part of tutorial

Add dependencies
Different ways to add dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA.

Part of tutorial

Managing dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA.
Summary and Shortcuts

Part of tutorial

Summary and Shortcuts
Managing dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA Summary.
Upgrade dependencies

Part of tutorial

Upgrade dependencies
Upgrade dependencies using Package Search.
Remove dependencies

Part of tutorial

Remove dependencies
Remove dependencies using Package Search.
Quick-Fix to Add Missing Dependencies in the Editor


Quick-Fix to Add Missing Dependencies in the Editor
Save time when adding missing dependencies by using a quick fix.
Code Completion with Package Search


Code Completion with Package Search
Helps you to reduce the chances of a typing mistake when you're searching for packages.
Filter Stable Versions in the Dependencies Tool Window


Filter Stable Versions in the Dependencies Tool Window
Allows you to filter out unstable versions of dependencies easily.
Maven Support in Dependencies Tool Window


Maven Support in Dependencies Tool Window
Add dependencies straight into your POM file with a single click.
Search Packages though Web UI


Search Packages though Web UI
You can find the packages you need without an IDE.
Search Packages in Dependencies Tool Window


Search Packages in Dependencies Tool Window
Use the Dependencies tool window to manage your dependencies in one place.
Update Version and Scope in Dependencies Tool Window


Update Version and Scope in Dependencies Tool Window
Upgrade, downgrade, and change scope easily inside your IDE.