
Visual, standalone, bite-sized learning resources organized into different categories.

Select Code Fragment
Select a code fragment without a single click.
Change Quote Style for CSS
Configure whether double or single quotes should be used.
Adding <script> Tag
Get help when adding the script element.
Adding Imports Automatically
WebStorm helps add an import even if you're using default exports.
Rename Closing Tag
Let the IDE mirror changes to a tag name.
Move Function to File
Extract a function into a separate file.
Quickly Look Up Parameters
Get help when completing function parameters.
Convert to Arrow Function
Quickly convert a function to a variable holding an arrow function.
Compute Constant Values
Let WebStorm do math for you.
Avoid Property Mixup
WebStorm helps avoid mixing up properties.
Surround with Emmet
Quickly surround a selection with rich markup using the Emmet toolkit.