Community Dalia Abo Sheasha

Dalia Abo Sheasha

Java Developer Advocate


Getting Started with Spring Data JPA
Learn how to use Spring Data JPA to store and retrieve data from your database.

Part of tutorial

Creating a Repository Interface
Create a Spring Data repository for CRUD operations.

Part of tutorial

Creating an Employee Entity
Create a JPA entity representing an Employee.

Part of tutorial

Configuring your Database
Configure the application to connect to our database.

Part of tutorial

Creating a New Spring Boot Project
Use the Spring Initializr to create a new Spring Boot project.

Part of tutorial

Creating a Data Source
In the Database View, create a data source for our database.

Part of tutorial

Getting started with Spring Data JPA.

Part of tutorial

Calling a Custom Query
Query the database for employees with spaces in their last name.

Part of tutorial

Writing from your Application to the Database
Insert four employees into the database.

Part of tutorial

Shortcuts, GitHub repository and other resources


Dalia Abo Sheasha
Java Developer Advocate