

Java is a general-purpose programming language intended to let application developers write once and run anywhere.

Convert Class to Record


Convert Class to Record
Use inspections to convert classes to Java 16 records.
Enable Git Staging


Enable Git Staging
Git Staging is an alternative approach to IntelliJ IDEA Changelists.
Create New Class


Create New Class
Quickly add new classes to your project.
Inline code completion


Inline code completion
Let AI Assistant write code for you, using inline code completion.
Explain Regexp with AI Assistant


Explain Regexp with AI Assistant
Using AI Assistant to help you understand regexp.
Generate code with AI Assistant


Generate code with AI Assistant
Let AI Assistant write code for you, based on your prompts.
Extend Selection


Extend Selection
Extend and shrink your current code selection.
Mnemonic bookmark


Mnemonic bookmark
Use mnemonic bookmarks for easy navigation.
Run inspection


Run inspection
Run inspection by name. For example, run Vulnerable API usage to see where the vulnerable API of external dependencies is used in your code.
Custom prompts


Custom prompts
Use a custom prompt to let AI Assistant help you.
Extract Method


Extract Method
Extract code to a new method.
Presentation Assistant


Presentation Assistant
Use Presentation Assistant to display shortcuts being used.
Vulnerable API Usage


Vulnerable API Usage
See whether you are using the vulnerable API of a dependency.
Download a JDK


Download a JDK
Download or Associate a JDK With Your Project.
Generate constructors and accessor methods


Generate constructors and accessor methods
Quickly generate common code constructs such as Constructors, Getters and Setters.
Generate a UML diagram


Generate a UML diagram
IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate allows you to generate UML diagrams.
Commit Changes


Commit Changes
Commit your changes to VCS as you go.
Disable Usages


Disable Usages
Disable the inlay hint for Usages if it's distracting you.
AI Assistant Chat


AI Assistant Chat
You can chat with JetBrains AI Assistant right inside the IDE.
Find in File


Find in File
Find a specific name or string in your file.
Generate Unit Tests


Generate Unit Tests
Generate unit tests with AI Assistant.
Toggle Rendered View


Toggle Rendered View
Toggle rendered view for one or all Javadoc comments.
AI Actions


AI Actions
View and use AI Actions in the editor.
Close Tabs


Close Tabs
Close inactive tabs so you an focus on your current working context.
Expand and Collapse Code


Expand and Collapse Code
Quickly view specific parts of a class by expanding or collapsing code blocks.
Move Statement


Move Statement
Move a statement up or down within the same scope.
Explain Runtime Error with AI Assistant


Explain Runtime Error with AI Assistant
Let AI Assistant explain runtime errors to you.
Interactive Rebase


Interactive Rebase
Clean up your commit history by using interactive rebase in IntelliJ IDEA.
Write Documentation with AI Assistant


Write Documentation with AI Assistant
Generate documentation for your code with AI Assistant.
Dependency Matrix


Dependency Matrix
Explore project structure with the Dependency Matrix.
Import Multiple Repositories


Import Multiple Repositories
Import multiple related repositories into one IntelliJ IDEA project.
Optimize imports


Optimize imports
Remove unused imports from your code with one keyboard shortcut.
Rename Bookmark


Rename Bookmark
Rename an existing bookmark to something more suitable.
CamelCase in Code Completion


CamelCase in Code Completion
Use CamelCase in code completion to speed up your workflow.
Generate a Test Class


Generate a Test Class
Generate a new test class from your Java class.
Inline Variable


Inline Variable
Sometimes inlining a variable can make your code more readable.
Introduce Variable


Introduce Variable
Refactor your code and introduce a new variable right when you need it.
Postfix Completion


Postfix Completion
Postfix completion allows you to keep typing forwards, it minimises the amount of time you spend moving the cursor around while you're coding.
Surround With


Surround With
Surround your code with common programming constructs.
Live Templates


Live Templates
Use Live Templates to auto-complete common code structures for you.
Understanding the Debugger


Understanding the Debugger
Use the debugger to help you understand what your code is doing.
Debugging Streams


Debugging Streams
Visualize the flow of data through a Java stream.
Recent Files & Locations


Recent Files & Locations
Quickly navigate around your recent files & locations to stay in your current working context.
Clipboard History


Clipboard History
Paste a subset or multiple entries such as a list from your recent copy history.
Data Flow Analysis


Data Flow Analysis
Data flow analysis can show us potential errors in our code logic.
Go to Next Error


Go to Next Error
Quickly move to the next (or previous) error or warning in the file.
Find in Files


Find in Files
Find a specific string in (a subset of files in) your code.
Inlay Hints


Inlay Hints
Inlay hints provide additional information about your code.
Structural Search


Structural Search
Structural Search and Replace is very helpful for finding exactly what you need in your project.
Context Actions


Context Actions
There are numerous ways to use Context Actions, let's explore some of them.
Generate Code


Generate Code
Helps you to generate commonly used code constructs.
Navigate to Test


Navigate to Test
Go to your matching test class with one keyboard shortcut.
Navigating Forward & Backward


Navigating Forward & Backward
Move forward and backward between your locations in the code so you don't need to have tabs open.
Explore project structure with the Dependency Matrix


Explore project structure with the Dependency Matrix
Exploring project structure with the Dependency Matrix in IntelliJ IDEA.
Interpret the Dependency Matrix

Part of tutorial

Interpret the Dependency Matrix
How to interpret the Dependency Matrix.

Part of tutorial

Explore project structure with the Dependency Matrix.
Summary and Shortcuts

Part of tutorial

Summary and Shortcuts
Explore project structure with the Dependency Matrix Summary.
Opening the Dependency Matrix

Part of tutorial

Opening the Dependency Matrix
Opening the Dependency Matrix for your project.
Extract Variable


Extract Variable
Extract code to a variable
Getting started with IntelliJ IDEA


Getting started with IntelliJ IDEA
My favourite tips for all new starters in IntelliJ IDEA.
Marco Codes - Building a Text Editor


Marco Codes - Building a Text Editor
How to build a terminal-based text editor with Java.
Presenting with IntelliJ IDEA.


Presenting with IntelliJ IDEA.
Tips & tricks to level up your presentation skills with IntelliJ IDEA.
Highlighted Commands in the Terminal


Highlighted Commands in the Terminal
Have you ever wondered which IntelliJ IDEA terminal commands you can run in IntelliJ IDEA?
Inspections Widget


Inspections Widget
The top-right corner of your editor shows you information about the state of your class at a glance.
Restore a Deleted Breakpoint


Restore a Deleted Breakpoint
You can restore previously configured breakpoints if you accidentally delete them.
View supertype and subtype hierarchy


View supertype and subtype hierarchy
You can view supertypes and subtypes in the hierarchy quickly with your keyboard shortcuts.
Built in Spell Checking


Built in Spell Checking
IntelliJ IDEA can spell check and fix errors for you allowing you to focus on problem solving.
Merge/Unmerge If Statements


Merge/Unmerge If Statements
Experiment with your code without changing the semantics.
Code Completion for the Stream API


Code Completion for the Stream API
IntelliJ IDEA can add the stream() call meaning less typing for you.
Navigating a Long Class


Navigating a Long Class
There are various tips and tricks you can use to navigate a long class in IntelliJ IDEA.
Navigate to the Last Edited Location


Navigate to the Last Edited Location
Move around the files you're working on quickly with keyboard shortcuts.
Add Your Favourite Photo as a Background


Add Your Favourite Photo as a Background
If you want to look at your favourite photo while coding you can set it as your background image.
Determining the Return Type of Expression


Determining the Return Type of Expression
Type Info is very helpful on a per-expression basis to understand your code.
Edit a Document in IntelliJ IDEA LightEdit Mode


Edit a Document in IntelliJ IDEA LightEdit Mode
Use IntelliJ IDEA’s text editing features without creating or opening a dedicated project.
Inject a Language


Inject a Language
Language injections let you work with pieces of code in other languages embedded in your code.
Pattern Matching for Switch


Pattern Matching for Switch
This feature is available in preview from Java 17.
New Line


New Line
Start a new line below or above your current line with the correct indentation.
In Editor Doc Rendering


In Editor Doc Rendering
You can render Javadocs directly in the editor including HTML tags, images and links.
Writing Less Code With Live Templates


Writing Less Code With Live Templates
How you can use live templates to get IntelliJ IDEA to write more code for you.
Migrating from the `javax` to `jakarta` namespace


Migrating from the `javax` to `jakarta` namespace
How to transition your application from Java EE to Jakarta EE.
Rearranging Code in IntelliJ IDEA.


Rearranging Code in IntelliJ IDEA.
How you can rearrange code in your classes and projects
Reformatting Code in IntelliJ IDEA.


Reformatting Code in IntelliJ IDEA.
Why and how you can reformat code in your projects
Using the Terminal in IntelliJ IDEA


Using the Terminal in IntelliJ IDEA
IntelliJ IDEA has a built-in terminal that you can use to perform a number of functions inside your IDE.
Hello World in IntelliJ IDEA


Hello World in IntelliJ IDEA
Create a new Java application and JAR file that prints `Hello World` to the console.
Working with Maven


Working with Maven
Understand how IntelliJ IDEA integrates with Maven.
Migrating JUnit 4 to JUnit 5


Migrating JUnit 4 to JUnit 5
Migrating your JUnit 4 test suite to JUnit 5.
Getting Started with IntelliJ IDEA


Getting Started with IntelliJ IDEA
Helpful tips for working with IntelliJ IDEA for the first time.
Join Lines


Join Lines
Join lines of code together in your IDE.
CamelCase in Searching


CamelCase in Searching
Use CamelCase to find what you need faster and save your fingers.
Smart Completion


Smart Completion
Get type aware completion in your code so you can focus on solving problems.
Getting Started with Spring Data JPA


Getting Started with Spring Data JPA
Learn how to use Spring Data JPA to store and retrieve data from your database.
Generate Overrides for equals(), hashCode() and toString()


Generate Overrides for equals(), hashCode() and toString()
We can generate the code to override the equals and hashCode methods.
Generate Test Methods


Generate Test Methods
Generate a test method in your test class.
Type Into Any Dialog to Search


Type Into Any Dialog to Search
You can start typing into a dialog box to search, even if there's not a textual search box available.
Your First Spring Boot Application


Your First Spring Boot Application
In this tutorial we will use IntelliJ IDEA to create your first "Hello World" Spring Boot application.
Writing Tests with Spock


Writing Tests with Spock
Learn about the Spock testing framework by creating a project that uses Spock to unit test Java code.
Working with Gradle


Working with Gradle
Understand how IntelliJ IDEA integrates with Gradle.
Profile your Application


Profile your Application
See how your application is performing with the built-in profiler.
Run your code with Docker, SSH or WSL


Run your code with Docker, SSH or WSL
Set a Run Target to change where your code runs.
Generate UML Diagrams for your Kotlin code


Generate UML Diagrams for your Kotlin code
JVM developers working with Kotlin code can create UML diagrams for their Kotlin classes, just like they could with Java classes.
Lightweight Inspection Profile on Commit


Lightweight Inspection Profile on Commit
Fully customise the checks you must perform before you commit your changes to version control.
Create a Correct Parent Sealed Class


Create a Correct Parent Sealed Class
Sealed types are a new idea for Java developers, let IntelliJ IDEA guide you in how to use them.
Create a Correct Child Sealed Class


Create a Correct Child Sealed Class
Sealed types are a new idea for Java developers, let IntelliJ IDEA guide you in how to create child classes.
Turn on Preview Features to try new Java Features


Turn on Preview Features to try new Java Features
The latest versions of Java contain "Preview Features", features that are fully functional but require developer feedback. Try them out in IntelliJ IDEA.
Convert from Record


Convert from Record
Use quick intentions to convert a record to a class.
Create Record


Create Record
Let IntelliJ IDEA support you in creating a new Java record class.
Identify and Fix Deprecated Calls


Identify and Fix Deprecated Calls
IntelliJ IDEA will warn you if you're using deprecated methods, and they will be shown with a strikethrough if they're marked for removal.
Use Pattern Matching for instanceof


Use Pattern Matching for instanceof
Inspections can guide us to use newer Java features.
Using the IDE Feature Trainer.


Using the IDE Feature Trainer.
Learning new things in the IDE
Add a  Breakpoint


Add a Breakpoint
Easily add breakpoints when you get an exception in your code
Adjust Code Style


Adjust Code Style
Use quick intentions to adjust the style of your code right where your cursor is.
Add Overload Bool


Add Overload Bool
Refactor a method to change its signature and update your code to reflect the new signature.
Assert That Import


Assert That Import
Use quick intentions to manage imports and keep your code compiling.
Change Method Signature


Change Method Signature
Refactor the signature of a method at any time.
Remove Unnecessary Condition


Remove Unnecessary Condition
Use quick intentions to remove redundant code so it's not cluttering up your codebase.
Drag and Dock Editor Tabs


Drag and Dock Editor Tabs
You can move editor tabs around as required to suit your needs.
Create an Editor Fold


Create an Editor Fold
Create an editor fold to hide parts of your class which can make it more readable.
Turn Editor Breadcrumbs On and Off


Turn Editor Breadcrumbs On and Off
Editor breadcrumbs show you your file structure but you can disable them if they don't work for you.
Enable Machine Learning for Code Completion


Enable Machine Learning for Code Completion
Code completion may be enhanced with Machine Learning.
Exclude a Completion Option


Exclude a Completion Option
Helps to reduce options that are not relevant for your code.
Extract Constant


Extract Constant
Extract a value to a constant.
Extract Field


Extract Field
Extract code to a field.
Extract Parameter


Extract Parameter
Extract code to a parameter.
Find Next Word


Find Next Word
Find next word and highlight all instances.
Find Usages


Find Usages
Use Find Usages to search for references in your code base.
Inline a Method


Inline a Method
Sometimes inlining a method can improve the readability of your code.
Meaningless Arguments


Meaningless Arguments
Use quick intentions to remove redundant code so it's not cluttering your codebase.
Move Line


Move Line
Move a line throughout your class, but watch out for errors!
Rename an Interface


Rename an Interface
Renaming in IntelliJ IDEA including comments and texts.
Replace With var


Replace With var
Use quick intentions to replace a local variable type with `var`.
Run in Current Context


Run in Current Context
Run just a file or a single script.
Show Virtual Whitespace


Show Virtual Whitespace
Add virtual whitespace to the bottom of a file so you can scroll to the end half way up your screen.
Toggle Tool Windows On and Off


Toggle Tool Windows On and Off
Toggle Tool Windows to tailor your interface for your needs.
Highlight Code and Surround it


Highlight Code and Surround it
Surround code with brackets and quotes with one click.
Refactor an Unreachable Statement


Refactor an Unreachable Statement
Use quick intentions to remove redundant code.
IntelliJ IDEA Welcome Screen


IntelliJ IDEA Welcome Screen
Get a project from source control, open an existing project, or create a new project.
Writing JUnit 5 Tests


Writing JUnit 5 Tests
Writing JUnit 5 Tests from start to finish.