

A modern programming language that makes developers happier.

Add a Breakpoint


Add a Breakpoint
Add breakpoints when you get an exception in your code.
Create a new class


Create a new class
Create a new class and a new package.
Find Next Word


Find Next Word
Find next word and highlight all instances.
Presenting with IntelliJ IDEA.


Presenting with IntelliJ IDEA.
Tips & tricks to level up your presentation skills with IntelliJ IDEA.
Godot Game Development Leveraging Kotlin


Godot Game Development Leveraging Kotlin
Pierre-Thomas Meisels, Tristan Grespinet, Cedric Hippmann
Create an Editor Fold


Create an Editor Fold
Create an editor fold to hide parts of your class which can make it more readable.
Exploring JetBrains AI


Exploring JetBrains AI
Exploring JetBrains AI with Vladislav Tankov | KotlinConfersations'24.
AI and Kotlin: A Perfect Mix


AI and Kotlin: A Perfect Mix
The latest advancements in AI coding assistance by JetBrains AI for Kotlin in your IDE.
Enable Git Staging


Enable Git Staging
Git Staging is an alternative approach to IntelliJ IDEA Changelists.
Extend Selection


Extend Selection
Extend and shrink your current code selection.
Generate a UML diagram


Generate a UML diagram
IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate allows you to generate UML diagrams.
AI-Friendly Programming Languages: the Kotlin Story

JetBrains Blog

AI-Friendly Programming Languages: the Kotlin Story
Introducing Kotlin ML Pack: a set of necessary tools, data, and models to promote code modeling tasks for the Kotlin language..
Find in File


Find in File
Find a specific name or string in your file.
Clipboard History


Clipboard History
Paste a subset or multiple entries such as a list from your recent copy history.
Find in Files


Find in Files
Find a specific string in (a subset of files in) your code.
Structural Search


Structural Search
Structural Search and Replace is very helpful for finding exactly what you need in your project.
New Line


New Line
Start a new line below or above your current line with the correct indentation.
Prevent a Package Depending Upon Another


Prevent a Package Depending Upon Another
Enforce architecture rules, such as data access layers not depending upon UI layers.
Generate UML Diagrams for your Kotlin code


Generate UML Diagrams for your Kotlin code
JVM developers working with Kotlin code can create UML diagrams for their Kotlin classes, just like they could with Java classes.
Using the IDE Feature Trainer.


Using the IDE Feature Trainer.
Learning new things in the IDE
Convert Concatenation To Template


Convert Concatenation To Template
Use quick intentions to convert to a template string.
Convert to Expression Body


Convert to Expression Body
Use quick intentions to convert to use expression body syntax.
Drag and Dock Editor Tabs


Drag and Dock Editor Tabs
You can move editor tabs around as required to suit your needs.
Show Virtual Whitespace


Show Virtual Whitespace
Add virtual whitespace to the bottom of a file so you can scroll to the end half way up your screen.
IntelliJ IDEA Welcome Screen


IntelliJ IDEA Welcome Screen
Get a project from source control, open an existing project, or create a new project.
Add Remaining Branches in Kotlin


Add Remaining Branches in Kotlin
Use quick intentions to generate code automatically and save you typing.
Add Names to Call Arguments in Kotlin


Add Names to Call Arguments in Kotlin
Use quick intentions to add names to call arguments.
Put Kotlin Arguments on Separate Lines


Put Kotlin Arguments on Separate Lines
Use quick intentions to improve the readability of your code by putting arguments on separate lines.
Kotlin Code Completion


Kotlin Code Completion
Use code and statement completion to write code faster.
Extract Parameter


Extract Parameter
Extract code to a parameter in Kotlin.
Remove Explicit Type in Kotlin


Remove Explicit Type in Kotlin
Use quick intentions to remove explicit types.