Summary and Shortcuts

Using bookmarks in IntelliJ IDEA Summary.

As we've seen, bookmarks allow us to "save" certain interesting locations in the code base, so we can easily go back to them later. Now we know how to create bookmarks and how to navigate to bookmarks we have created.

IntelliJ IDEA Shortcuts Used

Here are the IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts that we used.

Name macOS Shortcut Windows / Linux Shortcut
Recent files ⌘ E Ctrl+E
Open / Close Project Tool Window ⌘ 1 Alt+1
Add anonymous bookmark F3 F11
Add mnemonic bookmark ⌥F3 Ctrl+F11
Open bookmarks popup ⌘F3 Shift+F11
Jump to mnemonic bookmark ^+mnemonic Ctrl+mnemonic
Open Bookmarks Tool Window ⌘2 Alt+2
Create Bookmark List ⌘N Alt+Insert
Move down ⌥⌘↓ Ctrl+Alt+↓
Move up ⌥⌘↑ Ctrl+Alt+↑

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