ReSharper Essentials
Together with our developer advocates, learn how ReSharper can help you write better code, faster.
ReSharper is an extension for Visual Studio that helps you write better code, faster. Join the JetBrains .NET developer advocates, and uncover the essential features and workflows in ReSharper.
We will look at navigation in a code base, editing code, inspections and quick-fixes, refactoring, some additions to the Visual Studio debugger, unit testing, architecture tools and diagrams, the localization manager, and more!

Introduction to the ReSharper Essentials series.

Navigating Code with ReSharper
Let's look at some fast and easy ways to navigate around a code base.

Shortcuts, Editing and Code Completion
Let's dive into the most important productivity shortcuts, editing, and code completion.

Inspections and Quick-Fixes in ReSharper
Helping you write better code, faster, and automatically fixes code issues.

Code Formatting
Format and reformat code for consistency in your solution.

Refactoring Code with ReSharper
How to safely refactor code, without breaking the build? Let's have a look.

Debugging Applications with ReSharper
What is your code doing? Identify problematic code, and run code step-by-step with the debugger.

Writing and Running Unit Tests with ReSharper
Run, debug and profile tests, do continuous testing, and inspect code coverage.

Additional Tools
There's more in ReSharper! Architecture diagrams, localization manager, build tools and more.