
Visual, standalone, bite-sized learning resources organized into different categories.

Find Usages
Find Usages
Use Find Usages to search for references in your code base
Find Next Word
Find Next Word
Find next word and highlight all instances
Extract Variable
Extract Variable
Extract code to a variable
Extract Parameter
Extract Parameter
Extract code to a parameter in Kotlin
Extract Parameter
Extract Parameter
Extract code to a parameter
Extract Field
Extract Field
Extract code to a field
Extract Constant
Extract Constant
Extract a value to a constant
Exclude a completion option
Exclude a completion option
Helps to reduce options that are not relevant for your code
Enable Soft Wrap
Enable Soft Wrap
Using soft-wraps makes some languages easier to display
Enable Machine Learning for Code Completion
Enable Machine Learning for Code Completion
Code completion may be enhanced with ML
Enable Git Staging
Enable Git Staging
Git Staging is an alternative approach to IntelliJ IDEA Changelists
Create an Editor Fold
Create an Editor Fold
Create an editor fold to hide parts of your class