
Learn how to work with technologies using detailed, multi-step lessons accompanied by code samples, instructions, and videos.

Marco Codes - Building a Text Editor
How to build a terminal-based text editor with Java
Marco Codes - Git
5 Git Tricks you need to know
Marco Codes - JDBC
JDBC nice n easy
Marco Codes - 7 Great Terminal/CLI tools
exa, clink, rg & rga, plocate, bat, jq, f%$!
Presenting with IntelliJ IDEA
Tips & tricks to level up your presentation skills with IntelliJ IDEA.
Marco Codes - Gradle
Working with Maven in your projects
Marco Codes - SSH
Working with SSH
Resolving Conflicts During Git Merge
How to recognise and subsequently resolve conflicts when performing a merge using Git
Git interactive rebase
How to clean up your Git commit history with Git interactive rebase
Marco Codes - JUnit 5
JUnit 5 Nice n Easy
Marco Codes - Maven
Working with Maven in your projects
Marco Codes - Spring Boot
Spring Boot Nice n Easy